Always room for Pudding

Smoked bacon sauce = bacon fat?

Here. That should get you started.

She seems horribly uninteresting, but ever since those rumors started floating around about Harvey W. trying to tank her career to force her into being his new Gretchen Mol, I've been pulling for her. Not that she needs my support, but I figure anything that doesn't involve her showing up as a "Harvey Girl" is a plus.

And yet another unarmed black man was killed in LA by police yesterday.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the loons (and rape .gif apologists) over at Reddit's Red Pill community have decided that Robin William's death was caused by being "divorce raped" in 1988 & 2008.

Well, I dunno about laws, but there sure as hell was a punishment: a four year sentence of having a lying, cheating, gaslighting boyfriend. In all honesty, I feel bad for her, because I know how much it hurt me.

This was the second time Facebook told be my BF was cheating. Thanks, Mark Zuckerberg!

3. I think she was trying to break us up. She thought my ex was her white knight - right up until he moved to Florida with a cocktail waitress who named herself after a type of alcohol. Yeah. Watching my ex's decent into stereotype has been great for my self esteem.

Not my story, but so similar to a friends, I had to ask.

Y helo thar Maria Schriver

Oh GOD. I have to ask, was this in LA?

Yeah, me too. My Ex moved for a job opportunity, and we were doing the LDR thing where I would fly out every six weeks, he'd fly to me every eight. I had a second wardrobe at the ex's apartment because the climate was so different. One day I'm looking at Facebook and there's these group pictures of my ex's work, and

So back in the day I was a bartender at one of those notorious nightclubs that people still give me side-eye when I mention that I worked there. One somewhat slow Tuesday night my new cocktail server, "Chrissy", mentions that her divorce had finalized, and she'd celebrated by partying with Brad* the bouncer. I knew

Am I the only one reading these winding if one of the cheating dirtbags I've dated is going to show up in someone else's Pissing Contest story?

Not sure if "caught" is the right word for my situation. My ex bf and I were up late sexting & making plans to get together the next day. That morning, I wake up and check my FB and he's disappeared. Being somewhat naive, I think there's something wrong with my account, so I log onto my roomie's - and there he is,