Always room for Pudding

I'll be right behind you. Fuck you, Hillary. Please note this is the last ever page view/clickthrough/comment you will get from me.

OMFG I already know I am so going to get into a knock down, drag out fight with THAT UNCLE this Thanksgiving. I can already picture it, he's going to make some asshole comment about Darren Wilson's ruined life, and I'm going to grab the turkey carcass and repeatedly hit him over the head with it.

I used to love H mart! Unfortunately since I moved the closest one is a 45 minute drive (plus 10 minutes fighting to find a parking space in their lot). But their fish was always the freshest and cheapest.

I never heard that. My butchers had always given me them for free until Whole foods started charging. Even now I'll buy a few pounds & sometimes the butcher will throw in some free chicken bones or whatever.

I figured bone soup must be getting trendy. The butcher at Whole foods in my area used to just give me bones free, then about two years ago he started charging for some bones, now they sometimes have bones on display. Supposed miracle health benefits aside, I've been boiling bones since working for a chef in college,

Hey cool, welcome to Venice. I'm sorry this happened to you - hot prowls are pretty damn common, despite realtor's wide-eyed "silicone beach" sales pitch. I hope that this experience doesn't sour you to Venice, or make you fearful of the sketchy wonder we have to offer. Part of what makes us great is that Venice has

Venice has an important history for African Americans, something that has almost been entirely erased by gentrification. People seem to think the city started when Jim Morrison washed ashore, having survived up until that point as some cutesy folly of Abbot Kinney. They forget that due to restrictive covenants in LA,

I might not pay your bail, but I'd totally hit [like] on the Facebook post about your defense fund.

Matt Lauer AND Paula Deen?! Yeah, there is no way in hell I'm watching that. Thanks for taking one for the team and reporting back. You're doing God's work.

Man, this new wetsuit is like a cheap hotel - no ballroom.

Fine. But mine was waaaay cooler

Words with friends?

You know what would be awesome? If Exaholics had an intervention group to stop "well meaning" friends from giving you updates about your ex. We're broken up. As a bonus, I no longer have to give a damn about the disaster he's making of his life. Seriously, stop telling me about him - or meet my little unfriend button.

Interesting. Can the Hate crime aspect be introduced later?

He focused on particularly vulnerable and marginalized members of society, allegedly targeting poor black women

Try harder.

Aaand look! 3 brand new accounts: MarissaArb, WonderfulAwesome, heahaksas, and that have never commented before, that just happens to chime in on a dead thread to tell me how much they agree with ShabamMcTroll! That doesn't look like sock puppetry AT ALL! /s

Awww thanks! This new system of the grey is getting me down

Kstew sets the mood. Although alas, I am grey again.