I agree. Ryan and his parents are pretty harmless and I feel a lot more comfortable with my kids watching them than I do those weird Elsya and Anya girls. Also, the Freak Family. They were the worst!
I agree. Ryan and his parents are pretty harmless and I feel a lot more comfortable with my kids watching them than I do those weird Elsya and Anya girls. Also, the Freak Family. They were the worst!
I am technically this woman although I’m Hispanic but white passing. I am legitimately grateful for the Section 8 housing in our neighborhood because 1. I grew up in Section 8 and want kids like me to have access to our great schools and 2. It makes our neighborhood a lot less boring. Neighborhood pot lucks, when they…
My backyard is one big mosquito nest and they love my daughter and me. This spray has been pretty effective but I do have to reapply after a couple of hours. I've also make a paste out bentonite clay, witch hazel, salt, and peppermint oil for big welts. Google it, there's lots of recipes. It's the best treatment I've…
Filling our brains with useful information is boring. Don’t feel bad about putting a little trash in there, it will compost and make fertile ground for the good stuff.
Obviously. But I want her to acknowledge it or call herself stupid. I'm okay with either.
I really want someone to point blank ask Fey why she thought incorporating blackface was a good idea. It's been common knowledge for decades that it's racist, this is not new information. It's just not funny, in any sense. Fey is a smart person, at least that's what she tells us, so either she knew it was a bad idea…
When my mother died, all I wanted to do was to curl up and cry for days but as an only child, I had arrangements to make, people to call, it was exhausting. This is what I thought of when reading her statement. Obviously her work is on an entirely different level and I understand our losses are different but geez, if…
I started reading Dooce before I got married, suffered a miscarriage, had a mental breakdown, recovered, and then became a mother to two daughters. Reading about her depression helped me identify the warning signs of my own and taught me how to seek help. Reading about her dealing with her strong willed daughters with…
I couldn't afford the Steve Maddens but I rocked the shit out of the Payless version. I've been waiting for them to come back because I will absofuckinglutely buy them!
I don't have any sons but yes, I would if I did.
I’ve gotten grief for being adamant about teaching my daughters how to cook because “women don’t NEED to cook to feed men” but I’m teaching them because they NEED to be able to feed themselves. Yes, restaurants exist but I grew up broke so it’s hard to break the “Hay comida en la casa” mentality.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. It sounds like your mom also had a great kid who went through so much to be with her.
I get it, Beto is trying to capitalize on his national name recognition after running an impressive campaign against Cruz but it’s not his time. Julián Castro is the Texan that Dems need to be pushing. He’s basically a brown, better qualified Beto. In saying that I mean he’s Texan and young, like Beto, which is kind…
Hrm, might have to do that, thanks!
I didn't know that, thank you. The abortion providers I've dealt with never offered payment plans.
It's possible that is what the clinic does but she literally said she knew she was given leeway because she probably didn't sound like their regular clientele. If she hadn't said that bit, I probably wouldn't have been as annoyed by it.
She got upset because she was expected to pay for the abortion in full the day off, she thought she could be billed. Then when she was told they could schedule it for when she did have the money, she whined and asked if she could just get it as long as she promised to pay the remaining balance later. WHICH THEY…
I just finished reading Shrill and want to watch the show but I don’t have Hulu. I hope all the cringe and eye-roll inducing moments over her white privilege are cut down on the show because I can see how it would exclude a wider variety of audience. Lindy's abortion experience made me put the book down for a few…
I just don’t feel comfortable giving this dude any more attention after reading how hard it’s been for the Lee family. I can't imagine losing a child, having an end to the criminal case, it being re-opened, and then having to read/hear everyone's opinion on it. Just awful.