
Of course he is terrible at rapping. He is the new, not the new Jay Z.

I don't really like his music, but damn it, I can't help but like the guy. He just cracks me up for some reason. Like, why are you featured in everyone's music, boo?

Christopher Pike was my favorite back in the day! Much preferred over R.L. Stine, I think because his books were darker. And the sexy stuff! The "Remember Me" series killed it. "The Midnight Club" was also a favorite of mine, it was about kids in hospice and something to do with past lives.

And no, I will not click on a link to your stupid blog.

Real (smart) dog people KNOW you don't touch a strange dog without permission.

"'How could I have married someone who's so bad with money?' 'Why did I marry someone who I can't rely on to attend family functions with me?' 'What possessed me to marry someone who is a habitual nose-picker?!?'"

#9 is "Do you take your shirt off to poop?" AND 9% OF PEOPLE SAID YES WHO ARE THESE CRAZIES

I take it out before I poop, and then replace it after I'm done. I hate period poops. They are the worst.

"Shade is, I don't tell you you're ugly but I don't have to tell you because you know you're ugly. And that's shade."

Sorry, as a shrieking harpy I have a reputation to maintain.

I heard about that when I was researching it (originally she was trying to recruit me, but I'm a natural born skeptic, so I never just read a company's description with blind faith, because what's stopping them from lying), and that raised a big ole' red flag. If you're actively trying to hide your ingredients on the

I've never really understood how people can successfully shop for clothes online. I know people who do, but it baffles me how they manage it. I need to try things on. Even if they fit, measurements-wise, clothes might not flatter; they might bunch up funny at the knees or squeeze a little too tightly at the armpit.

a pattern of violent behavior does (which he doesn't have).

The NFL as a whole is going to reverse the Earth Superman-style if they keep up this record amount of backpedaling.

And that's shitty to say, come on. This isn't just a black issue, this is a person issue, a human issue. Fuck the brutal fascist shits that make us unsafe in our streets, fuck the culture that makes those in power above reproach for violence they do to those they're supposed to protect. If this isn't about you and me