
I think this isn’t quite answering the question but I’ll give it a go: back when I was about 26 or so I was walking home from work at night when an older guy up the street called to me. It was a neighbourhood that eventually gentrified but at that point seeing people barf on the curb was commonplace. Anyhow, he calls

Does he think as a disaffected but still arrogant American he gets to jump the immigration queue? Sit down. God.

I’d like to sidebar that ask and circle the wagons on that deliverable.

Oh hey! On Twitter I can see Kara’s image at bigger sizeness!

There’s a chance that he was comped the ticket by one of the casinos. Or got it for free on casino points. Or he got it as part of a package. REGARDLESS: shut up.

Ask him to marry you.

Not to mention the fact that we did have a woman as Prime Minister at one point.

Cool that she had a seat at the table. I’ll look it up! I worried that the complement of people might resemble one of those all-male panels talking about sexism in sport.

Quick yay for calling out the misuse of the term schizophrenia. It frustrates me and makes me sad when I see it — I genuinely believe that journalists in particular have an obligation to do better or at least not fall back on an oh-you-know-what-I-mean-don’t-be-a-hairsplitter defense when they’re challenged.

I work in a mental health hospital and I’m very encouraged by the research being done on associations between brain inflammation and mood disorders.

Do you remember if someone suffering from the condition was part of that talk?

So basically you had to play a strategic game with health care professionals in order to get the care you needed. Sigh. I’m sorry to hear that.

Fuck’s sake. :(

I lived in a village (yep, it was actually called a village) of about 1,100 with a high school population of less than 400 so you’re probably on to something :)

I was a fairly bright (but, alas, impressionable) senior in high school when I plunged in. Fortunately two years later I was a shaken but still bright university student who turned on my heel with a fuck you flourish worthy of a drag queen.

I avoid audio snippets or YouTube videos of glossolalia because I genuinely fear flashbacks to my time in that place. I never did it, myself, but even 25+ years later it messes me up a little to think about it.

"either sex" YAY! #bihighfive

no no no, not 'understanding' — tolerance! So pleased you've built up a tolerance to my sexual orientation, folks! Put away that Epi-pen for good!

That's what David Foster is saying at several points in the song if David Foster said things like that which I doubt he does but he would. And she really is so nervous! It's sweet. Plus: she said it was also her go-to song at a gay bar! Awesome.