
I… think he ran over a squirrel once. And probably took someone's parking space when tey CLEARLY had their blinker on. And I hear that when a plate of brownies is being passed around, he grabs the one that you had your eye on and it was calling YOUR name, NOT HIS.

OMG I understand totally. I have a friend who moved to Boston from Iraq, then broke her leg. There is t a strong enough apology for that.

Wrong. Samoas *are* the best. Proof: I am ALLERGIC TO COCONUT and will eat those samoas anyway.

No, that's just a blessing. Nothing mixed about it.

Oh sweetie. This isn't an especially tough Michigan winter. The difference between Michigan and other places (e.g. Boston) is that the snow doesn't tend to melt between storms in MI. It's permafrost until spring, which is why there are drainage ditches. In Boston, though, we're going to be in for some severe flooding

The Republicans' plans for the middle class and working poor is to let them eat cake.

OB-FUGGIN-SESSED with Empire. I want to binge on it but it's too new, and I can't force myself to save up a few episodes because I can't even figure out how I'm going to go another 5 days without a new episode. Need me some Cookie.

That girl and I need to be friends. Except I'm at least 20 years older than she is.

I want both. Both nitrous and an epidural would be "so neat". I want to enjoy the labor experience without worrying about pain, but like… I also kind of don't want there to be pain I just don't care about either. Just numb me up and pass the gas!

It's appallingly bad writing, similar in style to Stephenie Meyer who wrote so obnoxiously that I couldn't get through the first Twilight book DESPITE THE VAMPIRE WELL BEING PRIMED (because I was binge-watching Buffy). Murmurs, elipses, insipid characters and incomplete thoughts seem to be the trademark o this genre.

Last week, I fainted at the top of my basement stairs and did the whole gone-with-the-wind-tumble-all-the-way-down-the-stairs thing and if I hadn't landed upon bags of discarded gift wrap on its way to the recycling bin, I might have really done some irreparable damage to my head, neck and, you know, life.

I was disappointed in the list because I have all but the SNES controller, Anazon fire stick, the soda stream and a couple others. Then I remembered *why* I have them - these deal posts.

I was disappointed in the list because I have all but the SNES controller, Anazon fire stick, the soda stream and a

I just went to buy one for my fiancée and Amazon helpfully notified me that it was purchased 3 days ago. I discovered one of my Christmas gifts by accident because I was going to give it to my fiancée. Oops. (:

I just went to buy one for my fiancée and Amazon helpfully notified me that it was purchased 3 days ago. I

I see no shame in that!!

So… my fiancée and I are graduating in 3 weeks with an MBA. Since we're both girls, I guess we're getting double-whammied.

I'm "plus-size" and have a friend who is exceptionally thin. It's no more okay for people to comment about her body than it is for them to comment about mine. She's no less real and I'm no less human. But we both get shit. It's not okay in either case.

omg I thought I was the only one in on the maternity shirt secret. I do this not only at ON but in general because plus shirts are generally SO SHORT. Thanks for outing my dirty little secret. ;)

As a fat, I see the word "fat" as a descriptor less like "thin" or "tall" and more like "Asian" or "Christian". That said, I'm almost positive I'm in the minority and the word is much more commonly used as almos an epithet, similarly to how "Jew", while an appropriate description for a Jewish person, can also be used

well shit. I haven't caught up so I didn't know Quinn had a hefty honey… but he's hella hot so I'm stoked. We see so many plus-size dudes with hot chicks that it's about damn time that a plus-size woman has a boyfriend that isn't nerdy or fat or some other permutation of "unconventionally attractive".

Wait, what??