
Wow, that’s young, for anyone. She has plenty of money but this doesn’t seem like the most stable of relationships. Her sisters, probably because they became famous in their 20s and not when they were 11, have had their share of relationships with interesting men, but seem to have managed to have kids as a choice. I

Awful. Those face fillers already aren’t jiving too well with the extra weight:

Pregnant and unwed at 20 by a dude you’ve dated for a few months is officially and definitively trailer trash.

Awww. Best wishes to the two of them on the impending birth of their prop.

I came to this realization quite early in my life (early 20's, I’m in my early 30's now, been married for several years) after seeing a dear friend of mine break up with her wonderful, caring, devoted partner and go back to her scumbag ex boyfriend, based solely on the fact that the sex was better with the ex. She

This. This is the thing my cousin (professional sex-therapist and part-time roller-derby star, which is the awesomest resume I can imagine and who is also my very favorite relative) says: issues with sex are usually just relationship issues that play out during sexytimes. If he’s willing to put in the effort (and he

Yeah, a lot of these comments are soooo bizarre to me. Maybe it’s because I’ve been married for 20 years, but I can’t imagine sex being so high up on the priority list that it would threaten my marriage. A partner I can trust, who is emotionally mature, my closest confidant and a wonderful father to my child? WAY more

Some of this started a year into my 4 year marriage. It’s been 3 since we had sex. It’s still incredible because I married my best friend. The sex was never great and neither of us misses it (yes, I believe him) We actually decided to be polya (my idea since I’m sick) but he’s never taken me up on it. When life falls

YEP. Like, I’m only 37 and I’ve been with my husband for eight years, but just in the past year alone, Dude has had to de-pus and irrigate a c-section would that got infected and refused to heal for, like, EIGHTEEN WEEKS. Do you think we were boning like rabbits during this time? Fuck no; because my actual body was

45 here and while I’d like to have sex more often, mostly I’m tired and just want to go the fuck to sleep. The Mr. doesn’t like it in the mornings (although if we’re on vacation he’ll do it midday) so that’s not an option. We both struggle with body image and I don’t think I’m too far out on a limb saying that if that

Hello, I’m your opposite (the low-sex half of a very stable couple) and from those of us with low interest in sex but high interest in being dependable loving long-term partners, thanks for sticking with us! :P

Agree x1000. My partner and I had amazing sex our first couple years of dating. We’re in our 30s now and we have sex less often, and when it does happen it’s not very exciting, but he is endlessly kind and supportive, cleans the house, takes care of our pets, makes me laugh like no one else and takes care of me when

Totally agree with this. I won’t bore you with my personal life, but let’s just say that I have had a long, serious and bad relationship with great sex, and a loving, supportive marriage where the sex is only ok. And I’d take the latter every time.

I was coming to post the same thing, totally. Mid 40s with two kids now and we’re lucky to pull off once a month. And I usually have to initiate. Even like 5 years ago, I would have freaked the fuck out. It took me awhile to wrap my head around it but now I’m like, eh—-we’ll get back around to it eventually. Mr. GP is

YUP. This is what people don’t tell you when you’re trying to decide whether to marry someone (at least, no one told me). You need to consider what you’ll need in a partner over the course of your whole life and it’s pretty likely that your sexual needs are going to change. Age is a factor, as are kids, a busy job,

Usually I don’t care, but I didn’t even get past Letter One.

Check your moral compass and consider your options:

Re: Letter 1

They need to find someone else to write this column