
Not sure if Jezebel already covered it but in a recent Teen Vogue piece Lauren Duca started referring to this as“pulling a Comey.” Basically overcompensating in order to avoid being perceived as bias. Really great piece.

Yeah, there is no way a man can be affected by that show the way a woman can. I don’t buy that men can’t watch for self-care reasons. It just makes them vaguely uncomfortable. They should be forced to watch.

I’ve read plenty. Only American books credit you lot.

There’s no need to be patronizing. It’s concerning that she got any of the vote but I’m wholly unsurprised. White people are quite reliably racist.

War-loving America joined last and does not get most of the credit. Go wave your dick around somewhere else.

Turnout may have been low by French standards, but a 65% turnout would be considered amazingly high here in the USA.

She is! She’s been all about her fans academic success her entire career, she’s always encouraging them to tweet at her with good report cards. She’s also talked about this in interviews, telling fans and especially girls how important it is to study hard and get good grades. What a queen.

Paris’s little brother Conrad Hilton was arrested for allegedly violating a restraining order, attempted breaking and entering, and now, grand theft auto.

I watch it on mute because he is so gorgeous in that dumb film.


You just blew my mind.

Or Sunny:

If I was American, I’d be calling to report that ICE was asking for my documents outside a courthouse.

Alien day being on 4/26 is goddamn stupid. It should fall on the 426th day of the year, dummies.

Y’know, I was reading the stories about the prank calls and kind of chuckled. After reading this response, I feel like I have no choice but to join in... I mean, it’s not like you get many of these easy-to-perform and highly effective methods of pissing off ICE officials.

Damn I miss him so much.

wait so you’re mad at young people moving to liberal cities where there are jobs, activities, people, art, and human decency?

but it is in line with what chimamanda ngoche adizie got flack for: they can’t really know male privilege having lived such a tormented early existence

Exactly. If you just happened to know him I certainly think he would be considered an attractive member of a friend group. Yeah, he’s not a Hemsworth but that’s not the only type of look that’s attractive and is rarely seen in everyday life.