
Bernie isn’t gonna do anything to get anyone’s shit together when it comes to not compromising with trump when he was among the first to say he’s willing to work with him on shit like trade. People need to stop treating Bernie like some savior with until now unheard of integrity.
I know you know that, Kara. I’m just

One of the times they misspelled it, it was “Teresa May” without the h, which is the name of one of Britain’s most famous porn stars.

We currently have the opposite of that. Why is “California would decide every election!” a good argument in favor of the electoral college but for some reason “Michigan decides every election!” isn’t a good enough argument against it?

Actually there’s anecdotes from people who went to college/lived in the same dorm as one of the sons about him showing up and being pretty dang abusive, verbally and physically.

So, just curious, how many executive orders is that since he took office just a few days ago? Don’t republicans hate executive orders?

So, Obama and Bush both did this too. Obama’s designation wasn’t nearly as cringe worthy, of course, but this isn’t an unprecedented thing to do.

Many of us on the left were calling out those who were slut shaming Melania. Misogyny is misogyny no matter who it’s targeting.

Sometimes deciding to live one more day is all you can do. Please check back in tomorrow, reply to this comment, so I know you decided to live another one. I very sincerely hope to hear from you. Be well.

They don’t give a shit about people who work in government or social services, though. When they say ‘save jobs’ or ‘create jobs’ they specifically mean blue collar work because that’s the only kind that’s worth a damn to real Americans. Nevermind that most of those jobs are never coming back no matter what government

Yeah, I’m not sure why the person you’re responding to thinks “they aren’t offering content the way people want and so I don’t have sympathy for them when they say ‘quit stealing our stuff’” is a valid argument. They offer content in whatever way they offer content. You either accept their terms or you don’t. If you

Research. There’s a wealth of writing on all of these topics.

Ryan wouldn’t become vp - if the president can no longer serve for whatever reason and the veep becomes president, he selects a new vp who is then voted on by the senate. Ryan stays put as speaker of the house. Only way he moves up is if both Trump and Pence die/have to step down/whatever.

I don’t think she’s more monstorous for being a woman and a mother, but there’s something about her specifically that is so much worse than many other trump surrogates... she’s not just worse than the men, I hate her more than Katrina pearson and... what’s her name...scottie nelle hughes. All of them are odious. But

Yes, but the problem is the tv journalists who don’t push hard in interviews. Print journalism is still doing stellar work. TV journalism is fucked. They don’t ask hard hitting questions because if they do they don’t get the big players on their shows.

Oh my god this. There’s also low income white women, immigrant white women (immigration policies TARGET latinx but they impact every immigrant), hell even single white women cause marital status lends privilege too...

Tom Hiddleston’s on the hate list around here. All he was basically saying was that people use art for escapism and comfort, and it’s nice and humbling to know that.

Part of the problem to me is that, sure, rape is super prevelant but the “rape as traumatic back story” trope does two things wrong in addition to limiting female characters to ONLY sexual trauma.

Couldn’t a (admittedly flimsy) argument be made that Stein’s aggreivement is that as an independent party member, it isn’t so much winning that matters as much as reaching a certain percentage in the vote, and irregularities could have artificially stifled that and therefore damaged her party?

I had a friend who used that term. Ripped him a new one. Especially since pretty much anyone can find someone who would willingly have sex with them... It’s just a matter of whether the feeling is mutual. This particular dude was always hanging out with models and was pissed that they didn’t want to sleep with him

Thank you! Internalized misogyny is very very real. Not to mention, I would bet that the majority of white women who voted Trump are married Christian white women - ie women who are fairly insulated from the impacts of sexism and misogyny and who thus don’t believe in it.