Bertolt Brechtiosaurus

I dunno about the shed thing, nun lady. As a big gay poofterhead I'd've loved a magical gay-making circlejerk shed in my vicinity during childhood/adolescence, but the only friends I have that ever confessed to any such group-intensive activities in their Boy Scout/all-boys'-school days are all straight.

Gold star for making me laugh and cringe leg-crossingly at the same time.

I feel your pain. I just mortally offended a mad theatre queen of a friend who posted this on Facebook by replying, 'Had this happened on my flight, the headline would have read "Passengers, Crew Dead As Mystery Passenger Claws Hull Open In Desperate Attempt To Escape Intrusive Musical Theatre Interlude,

OOoOooOoOOOooh - if only we hadn't already rushed back to my native US from our home in Australia to get married in Dolores Park, SF way back in '08, that first California Spring when marriage equality bloomed before the long putting-on-of-hold and courts-slugging-of-out, I'd push for this in a second.

Aaaaahhhh! The little Groucho-ish moustache! Must ... not ... boop ... laptop ... screen ...

Chris Evans switching to ... what? Wait, wait; he was supposed to retire from acting to do gay porn. MY RICH INNER WORLD SAYS SO.

Agh, as an amurkin emigre (or as I like to say, 'recovering Yank') to Oz with an unhealthy maternally-induced arachnophobia, my first run-ins with huntsmen in my house were pretty shrieky. I'd lived in rural California, so I thought 'well, tarantulas you know', but then as I tried shakily to broom-scoop a huntsman

Whoa, time for me to get on the phone and track down Jeff Corwin (I'm sure my husband wouldn't mind).

Oh gawd/dess/es/LittleRichard, as an inhabitant of Australia I am so glad someone (Lorde) finally just stomped on Kyle Sandiland's throat on air. For those blessedly not in the know, he has made a fortune for his soulless attention-hungry self cashing in as the 'I'm just sayin what others are thinkin' bwawwwling

Nah - tis a treasured but meaningless nickname from my youth in farmland peeA. I was escaping my home town to go to some conference and a friend was describing all the neat people I was going to meet, many of whom had odd nicknames. 'You should have one too,' she said for some reason. 'Oh,' I said cynically (having

Another gay man chiming in with ... with ... well, perhaps this is the time for my first attempt at utilising one of those applicable gifs ...

On the bright side, I really really can't, despite some stretches of Massachusetts making Lovecraft's writing look like nonfiction, see this bill passing. But then I've been overly-optimistic about the foul human race before.

E-meeting my (then-future) husband whilst allegedly working at a major US university (i.e. wasting hours online between occasionally filing something , and waiting for the workday to end). Met in the flesh a few years later, chacked up, and am now in Australia (he having been a then-homesick Australian). Pretty good

I am with the other commenters: utterly bonkable yes!; favourite Kirk, ohhh nyet.

I grew up in a very white, very racist small US town where on average there'd be one African-American family per year that would move in, be completely frozen out, and move (repeat process annually with new family). Even the lone Jewish family was treated pretty shabbily. Now I live in Australia (2013 demographics:

As someone who has resigned himself to being a bitter old curmudgeon (though granted, I've acted like one since I was 12), I'm right there with you. One of my first 'dear gawd I'm old' memories was when a friend began dating a younger guy who, listening to our conversation, interrupted with 'wait, those guys Ackroyd

Or scrapple. As a fellow exile from peeA, all I can say (with a slight gag in my voice) is ... scrapple.

Sure, she's a fucking spoiled, marginally talented, upper class mean girl. But her dad was pretty rowr rowr back in the day. And by 'back in the day' I mean the early Comic Strip tv series. (/as-a-shallow-gay-man-this-is-somehow-relevant-to-me-concerning-all-this)

I don't want Camille Paglia to ever, ever again pretend to be chums with or understand gay men. This is the evil, attention-hungry slime who, after Matthew Shepard's brutal murder, wrote an essay called 'Asking For It' in which she asserted Shepard was obviously, like all gay men, trolling for straight rough trade