
Been on that roller coaster. Five years later, still am. Still, all that rock climbing and the desk job were worth it.

True Detective, bully episode: “You don’t event have to check with the Missus.” Malevolent.

I’m not going to star this, because I want it to stay at 69.

They are all good dogs, Hemilton.

I miss Foodspin, but I love it when Burneko harnesses his full politico-intellectual horsepower and just owns high-platform twerps.

Omigod, welcome back! This is pr0n. Thank you!

No comment other than I likely would use evaporated milk with the cheese fondue. Would that be bad? More importantly, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog—funny, educational. You and have made my sous vide hum!

This is the worst version of 12 Days of Christmas ever.

Another target, a military target? Then name the system! (Noted absence of Pearl Harbor joke.)

Let me add a third: sous vide immersion circulator, 145 degrees for 45 minutes. Poach ‘em in their shells.

Prob’ly Red Rabbit.

Now I want Neil Tyson and Burneko to have a beer so badly.

Huge thank you from me to you two for bringing Foodspin to video. I’m a dedicated reader of each of you, and your collaborative charisma and humor come across hugely in video in voices reminiscent of but categorically different from your respective extraordinary voices in your columns. Also, fuck you for doing only