
I actually broke continuity in my Dragon Age playthrough by role-playing: In the first game you get attacked by Zevran the elf and his mercenary companions. After the fight you get the option to spare him and it's quite clear he will become a party member. Now I already had a bunch of party members at that point and

I felt that with Mass Effect right until the last mission appeared and I still hadn't done half the side stuff. I think the mission is actually called "Race Against Time" or something to that effect, so I genuinely felt that I should stop fucking about and get on with it… I get too involved with these things.

I played Human Revolution with as much role-playing as possible - this meant that I killed criminals and mercenaries and people who were clearly paid to do horrible things but I avoided killing cops. I actually had an argument with a friend about the end of the game where:
you get attacked by packs of