bisexual shitass

Thanks. This is my first abnormal Pap result and that combined with the HPV is just freaking me out a bit.

Wow. This is basically the best response I could have ever hoped for and hadn’t even thought of that. Thank you so, so much and I’m glad your friend got good news!

You always have the best hair and often a good date story and this week was no exception! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a RHONJ sighting..

So, I haven’t had the best week and could use some words of wisdom and comfort. On Monday my gynecologist office called and told me that my Pap had come back showing abnormal cells on my cervix and that I had tested positive for a high-risk strain of HPV. On Wednesday I went in for a colposcopy to follow up and she

Since I missed the last post about New Jersey Space Junk, I’d just like to take this opportunity to say

I completely agree. Also, why shouldn’t we be post-morteming the election and trying to figure out reasons for the loss? That seems like it would be very helpful?

Hm, I think I also subscribe to this theory! This would explain why I love the concept of a wedding - bringing together everyone you love to celebrate - but hate all the “supposed to” parts.

I say we turn this into a meme and spam his Facebook page with it - something’s along the lines of “when you claim confederate heritage but live in fucking Iowa”

I second the covered box, litter mat, and scooping every day! My box cover just lifts right off, no latch, so it’s not that big of a deal for scooping.

I work in STEM and interview college seniors for positions in our technical/leadership training program. We definitely do look at GPA since at that point it’s one of the few differentiators on the resumes, plus sometimes a previous internship.

I genuinely like chopped salads! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think birth control will go far tho.

I thought the last item was going to be about Stevie Nicks, but the great news is it scans either way depending how you pronounce “groceries”

I’m having a really strong reaction to those sunglasses but I can’t tell if it’s positive or negative. Does anybody know what they are? I need to see them on a different face!!

Laura Dern also had great glasses on at the oscars! I noticed them when she was presenting, not sure if she had them on all night.

Hi! If the downtown worker is near a main SEPTA station (Jefferson, suburban, or 30th st) then they can take regional rail to work and you have a lot of options! Are school districts something you’re considering? That might be a good way to narrow it down. I don’t have any day care knowledge, but depending on what

“For we know that in such time men shall be come lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of

Me too. The season where Kim is pregnant with North is also so real and I appreciate it so much. There’s a conversation between Kim and Kris where Kris talks about how much she loved pregnancy and how hard it is to see Kim struggling with it... it gets me every time.

This is happening to me too! There’s no option to unhide comments in a thread. I kinja on my phone and assumed that was the problem but maybe not?

Found it!

The Atlantic just ran a really interesting and terrifying article about Paul Manafort, basically his whole life story and how he shaped D.C. PR/lobbying. Basically he will do anything to make a buck and has nothing resembling “morals”, “ethics”, or “loyalty” to either his country or people around him. I’ll try to find