Car Centric Suburban S#!7hole

Is this “limited value” in the idea that women over a certain arbitrarily determined prime age for breeding are useless? Or just “limited value” because cops view all “civilians” as lesser than them?

ACAB, always. I dunno why people still act surprised.

I’m just surprised there are people who play golf and still need a free Mercedes.

HEY BIXBY PAY FOR PARKING said no one, ever.

There are no Marxists anymore because they are all Leninists

HEY BIXBY PAY FOR PARKING said no one, ever.

Yea, I guess. I honestly kind of can’t believe they are still here in the US. 

This! I use the 70/40 rule on my Tesla because I can. I can go a long way on that if I need to. My daily use averages only about 40-50 miles. Of course I will top it off if I need to also. Stretches the battery life a long way.

This! ^^^. What does the other 95% do?

If it's not too inconvenient. You know, in your own time. But could you have it done before this coming Tuesday? 

“Hey guys we need some more clicks let’s see if we can get people to fight and make generalizations about entire demographics in the comments with nothing more than anecdotes to back it up”

That’s not included in this story and I had missed that elsewhere, so that makes sense then. I’m skeptical that these are burning up the streets of LA or San Francisco either but next time I’m in CA I’ll keep an eye out.

Safety rules and regulations are written in blood.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this incident and the take that resources were potentially wasted on five billionaires. I have thoughts, but no blog or anything so, I’m going to share them here.

Yea that’s the messed up part. I understand lying to media for national security but i hoped the USCG was like they did hear an explosion so hope and pray for their survival but it’s possible they did die 2 hrs after submerging. That way the news can string everyone else along. Now to think of all the money wasted as

The existence is not top secret, but the technical capability of the system surely is.

3rd Gear:

Meanwhile the Greek coast guard let a migrant ship sink, killing hundreds of souls.

Neutral: I’m guessing 13.

“One day, when all these useless politicians (on both sides) stop their pissing matches over who can screw whose base over more, I might be able to get an EV, that I can charge at a convenient place, for less than my yearly salary. Maybe even, dare I say, get a rebate?”