This. Like, there’s the article and then there’s the hot takes from people who can’t imagine getting out of their cars and going anywhere on foot.
This. Like, there’s the article and then there’s the hot takes from people who can’t imagine getting out of their cars and going anywhere on foot.
This is the hot take I was waiting for. How did people get around before widespread private vehicle ownership? They walked, rode bikes, and used public transport. You bet your ass that public transport gets a whole lot better when everyone relies on it.
Well, BLM protestors didn’t shut down ottawa for three weeks using trucks while the cops shrugged and said “there’s nothing we can do eh, they’re protestors, eh”. No, BLM came out and got fucking teargassed and arrested on bullshit charges (something like 97% of charges dismissed) while these hosers spent their days…
They are only arresting the ones who aren’t cops or relatives of cops themselves. ACAB.
Oh, you live in Seattle and were there? If not, then get fucked.
For some reason, the right is applauding protestors shutting down the downtown core of the nation’s capital for three weeks while they spent all of 2020 screaming for the blood of black lives matter protesters while the police responded daily with extreme prejudice.
Yes, it does. This is where silver ano comes in. This is a job for the pros, or I find a certain attractiveness to just running whatever old shit I’ve got on my bike, matchy-match be damned.
Ayone can fly the flag, and anyone can take a shit on a lawn, but when you take a shit because someone is flying the flag of a traditionally oppressed minority that's when hate crime comes into play. Maybe you punched some dude because he's an asshole (not a hate crime) bit punching some dude you think is an asshole…
Straight up copypasta. You know the person making that flyer didn’t check they were pasting the right link and were fucking around downloading viruses on your government computer.
Comparing it to the Telluride, which just looks right, is especially jarring. It’s like how the new landrovers that just keep going up and keep tapering to the top look mis-proportioned.
the last gen GM full-sizers are surprisingly attractive vehicles on the outside. The current-gen look...funny.
Just exercise a modicum of rational thought before spouting off.
Nah, don’t negotiate with terrorists.
On the contrary, he's 100% what they want
I think you spelled "Donald Trump" incorrectly.
But doing a crime *because* someone is flying a flag that indicates membership of a specific, historically oppressed group can be considered a hate crime. *Intent matters*.
The drive and its comments section that makes Kinja look good.
Well shit. This is like one of those things where all the people you’ve really enjoyed reading have left and then it turns out the new people are pretty good too and then they leave and then you’re like fuck this but then you click over by habit and start reading and it’s good, still.
Eh, looks fine considering some of the abominations that grace our roadways.