
Taylor & Joe look like bored trust-fund siblings whose only source of joy comes from hunting the poor on Purge day.

Oh shut the fuck up.

I watch those, too, but I’m in it for the possibility of a boyish grin from Tom Hiddleston.

The Social Justice Warrior is largely a construct (a myth not a mister) of the anti-movements so they can have yet another “feminine” to rage against. I have no energy for these people.

Isn’t the next line, “She uses Vaseline...?”

That’s Richmond. He got scurvy.

Literally nobody here is disagreeing with the point that circumcising babies’ penises is problematic at best, since babies are incapable of giving consent. What people are disagreeing with is your insistence that there is no difference between circumcising a penis and “FGM,” a term that includes clitoridectomy, not

I’m pretty much happy anytime anyone remembers Strong Bad and Homestar.

People are more likely to survive a stabbing. Comments like yours, meant to deflect attention away from the real issue we have with guns in the USA, are getting really tiresome.

I have such fondness for IKEA.

I just commented this on a transphobic post that was all like, “In a sexual species, females have two X chromosomes and males have an X and a Y, I’m not a bigot it’s just science.” I’m a science teacher so I responded with this.

The distinction so many of the online reactions to the dismissals seem to be missing (and that I’m really glad this article makes note of) is that dismissals of this sort are completely normal for incoming administrations (former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush dismissed similar numbers of US Attorneys),

Sometimes I wonder if Hannity, the first time trump obviously took an idea from him, was like “oh shit, for real?” I mean I know that’s how I felt. Also, I would say that it would be funny for fox commentators to try to one up each other on manipulating trump but that would require them to be people with a sense of

I think a lot of these people who criticized the strike demonstrated how US-centric their perspectives are. There’s this assumption that the people who came up with it were all middle- and upper-class women, largely white. But as as Jezebel’s great post on Latin American feminism mentioned, the idea for the

A couple of things.

Republicans are acting like politics is some hip new burrito shop that they want to keep secret from everyone else. Then everyone found out about these dope ass burritos, even helping each other locate the burritos. Now they will try anything to keep their beloved secret shop from being flooded with hungry patrons.

So the case of who fucked up some award show envelopes now gets a formal investigation but 45s ties to Russia and his taxes gets nothing.

When Trump said he would create 25 million new jobs I bet no one thought they would all be working for the ACLU.

The first sentnce is wrong. Woodrow Wilson signed this act into law, not Calvin Coolidge.