
Also, WTF? Blend in? Are you serious? Should all asians blend with only with themselves? All african-americans? All hispanics? Can you hear yourself?!?!? Maybe you didn't mean it, but what you're suggesting is it'd be sooooo much easier if they just stayed with their own kind. That's a very problematic idea. Maybe all

YES. To everything you wrote.

I'm sure moving is just a breeze. No costs whatsoever, amirite? In fact, I've just decided to move to France tomorrow. I'll just dip into my bottomless emergency trust fund if it turns out it's not free! Problem SOLVED!

So, wait, let me get this straight: this isn't your experience so it must be bullshit?

And they throw it away or burn it so they won't have to sell it at cheaper prices.

Lady, yes! I love the way my vagina smells.

Whoa, were the hell did CylonLover ever try to convince you that sexism is over for white women? I think you're in too deep and now you're just getting defensive. And, really?!?! You're really trying to engage a black woman in discussion by telling her what her reality is? Can you hear yourself? How do you generally

The simplest way to put it is: they hate women but love pussy.

Right? This person comes off as a huge asshole. Money must rule her world. Her life must suuuuuuuuuuck.

Yep. Everything you just posted on this comment thread makes you sound EXTREMELY self-satisfied.

What the fuck are you on about? Go clean your room or something.

God. Justin Bieber totally sucks at making decent art. Shitty art is the WORST.

Embrace it! I'm grey and I don't dye my hair and you might be surprised at how many people compliment me for it! I know it's not easy, but if you can find a way to accept it and love it you won't have to spend time freaking out about it. :)

I am young and letting my hair go grey. I get so many compliments from men and women. I love my hair because I don't have to do anything to it and it's different. It makes me feel like a total bad-ass.

"The word 'starling' holds multiple meanings for the couple, who believe they are creatures from the stars."

You seem a tad bit defensive. Everything ok?

This is one of the best stories I've read so far. FUCKING CREEPY!!!

Why is it Dodai's responsibility to educate this person about cultural appropriation? There's plenty of information on Jezebel as well as other places on the internet to educate oneself about why this is racist and some other thing is not. Just because someone has a question doesn't mean we're obligated to take up the


I fixed it for them :)