
My husband and I had a long text conversation about this today. These young women think that they're being devastatingly subversive by showing a lot of flesh and proving to the world that they (just like the rest of us, fucking DUH) are sexual people. That's not subversive.

That oyster is, ummm, making this room warm...

Isn't is so great when some dude tries to explain to us girls why we do the things we do? And by so great I mean fucking infuriating.

:( I'm in grey. Why is that?

Yeah, she's in show business. Who cares? Does she have to live up to her contrived persona to make everyone happy? She's doing what she feels she needs to do. Also, please refer to my original post.

Age: 17


I know! I want to know so much about all the character's back stories. I can't wait for season 2 :)

Poussey is so great :)

Yes. This.

Ummm, fuck you, Allure. My body is sexy already. But thanks for talking down to an entire nation of women and for trying to make us all feel like shit about ourselves. Go fuck yourself, k?

Ya know, I like feminism because it gives me the power to be who I am with pride and self confidence. But when we women and men (being self-identifying feminists) start to dissect and pick apart certain women because we don't like their hair, or their clothing, or their voices, or their project choices, or their

All I want to say is MENSTRUAL CUP.

"Really, I don't see how making pregnancy into a punishment is supposed to accomplish anything."

Oh shit! Once you have that script down please share! It's so difficult for me to remain calm when trying to deal with someone who makes that argument.

God. Naomi Campbell is such an insufferable dick.


That suck really bad. I am sorry this happened to you. I had something kind of like this happen to me. I started coughing a lot and faked a few sneezes. It worked. No one likes to get sneezed on. Not even scary fucking douches who find it fun to physically intimidate women in public.

I would tell the mom to leave right now with the child. Fuck that shit. Little kids are fucking disgusting. Especially when they puke everywhere.