It’s explained that part of the victim brain has to remain for the transplant to be successful. So some ‘existence’ of the victim is left via that remaining brain part.
It’s explained that part of the victim brain has to remain for the transplant to be successful. So some ‘existence’ of the victim is left via that remaining brain part.
You can’t just fire someone? Someone needs to introduce Lena to Shonda Rimes.
“Steve has completely moved on... and I mean, completely”
“Steve is the King of being not grateful”
Hot take:
The term ‘bussy’ is the product of internalized homophobia.
Wouldn’t Wack 100 be the homophobe in this situation, though?
I am sitting here wondering if there was a way for Tyson to call the guy out for that Instagram post without being homophobic
I’m talking about the whole movie not the line.
I still don’t get who the targets are.
... After the Little Klu Klux Klan Rally that Couldn’t
... hosting a Klu Klux Klan rally—and by “inundated” I mean inconvenienced.
My “legit take” comment was for the main commentor TheNewWolfBrady’s point that Tyson’s super-homophobic reaction should be of note in the article - but my reply appears below someone else so my fancy arrows are confusing.
(I don’t know how/why it seemed I was first replier at the time - but live and learn)
^^ This is a legit take ^^
What this guy did was more like an E-vite than a twitter fight.
I find this scene pretty funny since the scene in the movie proper makes it seem like it’s perfectly justifiable to commit vehicular theft if a guy is a douche to you for 10 seconds.
Climate change is our only hope to be rid of Floridians!
I’d hesitate to call it a shot.
Lori Lightfoot is set to become the first openly gay, African-American woman to serve as Chicago’s 56th mayor....
Great. More Christian programming.
...with a car wedged in its
front grilldriver compartment.
There were parts of this that seemed like it wanted to be that (there’s a RIDICULOUS episode involving a bank vault), but it also played a lot of this straight...