These teachers are shitheels on at least a couple levels here.
These teachers are shitheels on at least a couple levels here.
Lance Morrow, who is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center—an institute dedicated to “applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy.”
... Wikipedia referenced TheRoot & your reply to Lance Morrow’s racist crap.
For any claiming he wasn’t using the word disparagingly in his version of events so it’s kinda okay...
65 is a pretty good age range for yuppies...
... akin to calling something “gay” in the 1990s.
I liked Chernow’s speech/presentation/performance whateveritscalled.
One reason the police didn’t get a chance to spin this and why we’re seeing body cam footage so soon is —
Near-by private security cams recorded the event and footage was released before the police could concoct their ‘justification.’
Speaking of fake things, let’s talk about this term “influencer” and its apparently no-questions-asked use by journalists and news-sites.
The problem isn’t that they call themselves “influencer” it’s that journalists and news-sites call them that no-questions-asked.
The girl was Italian, which to my mother is just fancy white
Off topic but —
Posting jokes on twitter isn’t a business model.
I’m even more suprised that the case is going against Conan himself and not the guy who wrote the allegedly stolen joke
If you are going to post your joke on a free public platform like Twitter, you clearly don’t think your joke has monetary value
I guess Conan is supposed to scour Twitter every night, and make sure his staff hasn’t stolen anyone’s jokes?
Patton Oswalt, who, as a Conan regular, will reportedly join Andy Richter and Conan himself on the stand..
Kind of off topic but this is how The Root’s fb page handled this -
The fb headline is:
I mean, we did get a fierce.