
I saw Terminator on cable in 1985. Missed the beginning and got absorbed without knowing what it was (at the time, I avoided scary suspense like the plague after being traumatized by Halloween). I was blown away! Still can't hear the Terminator theme without getting a knot in the pit of my stomach. And I loved The

Does Evie have a bot on her cheekbone? There appears to be a scar, but I can't recall anyone mentioning it.

Maybe Dre and Charlie could open their own agency.

I didn't look closely at the credits, so I was happily surprised at the end (to the point of yelling "Charlie!" to an empty room). Yay!

What, no comment on Fillmore Graves?

"…a rather ridiculous but kind of fun “kink” scene…" You mean Ontari using captivity and death threats to coerce Murphy into having sex with her? I think that's called rape, actually.

Pretty sure I've reached the end of my patience with Dre's mama. She's okay in VERY small doses, but she was beyond obnoxious in this episode. And the idea that Bow, a physician, wouldn't know the difference between psychology and psychiatry is ridiculous and borderline insulting.

Peggy had some exposure to the Zero matter, IIRC, and that might explain the quick healing. It doesn't explain the others' lack of surprise.