
No. The only possible reason to split California is to split off electoral votes to help Republicans win in a state that is overwhelmingly Democrat and will probably never vote Republican again. It's another attempt at redistricting by Republicans, who can only win by gerrymandering and rigging the system.

There are two issues here: 1) Sovereignty. Nicaragua can do as it likes. The U.S. does tremendous damage to its own environment and resources, yet you don't hear Nicaragua telling the U.S. to stop blowing off its mountaintops and contaminating its water supply. 2) Economy. Now, of course Nicaragua will benefit

Er, doesn't the U.S. run cargo ships through its drinking water (the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes)?

"I believe it is the ultimate arrogance of humanity to assume that we can know all there is to know in the universe." a) Then is it not also the ultimate arrogance to "know," as many Christians claim to, that there is a God who controls the universe? b) Who claims to know all there is in the universe? Even the most