Rat Soup Eatin

"the new movie adds in a long scene extolling the virtues of beating children." Sold!

I hope Zombie doesn't go completely IDGAF slipping down to Uwe Boll, Tom Six levels.

I want to know if they bought a cone or just sampled a dozen flavors with the same spoon and left like a cheapskate!

FYI: Crackle got bought out by Gazbo (owned by Burger King) forming Shudder

I'm about a 1/3 of the way in and I'm hooked. It's true that some missions are repetitive, and you're forced to drive everywhere. But you eventually gain an option where a consigliere can send guns/cars/money drops to you! Saving a ton of time. The story and writing are great, this is the first Mafia game I've played

Like the rest of the routine, I'd chalked it up to involuntary spasms.

Clearly a gender bias as Chewbacca Mom said the exact same thing about Jennifer Lawrence's butthole.

Pass. I'm waiting for "The Notary" starring the poor man's Jeremy Renner:Josh Duhammel's stunt double.

There was a evil in those woods. That evil was man…ster?!

Still waiting for Three Ninjas: Knocked Up

Which Bing Bong Theory are you?

He makes less than Pat Sajak.
Who is Alex Trebek.

A little distracting how bad the two characters were at basketball. Looked like The Office's Stanley from the BBall episode.

The biggest reason it's so forgettable: they didn't hire the TGIF go-to-theme-song creator Jesse Frederick! Instead they used some cheap AF royalty free loop with Allen grunting over it.

They left out Chyna! Unforgivable

Someone tell Albert Brooks to get a physical :(

"You're horning in on our turf"- the Oscars

ABC bringing the Dad creepily sharing a kiddie ride with his teenaged son.

I still think that cat did it. He even gave a little "wink" as he walked by at the end.

in fact, you might even say we just ate Uter, and he's in our stomachs… right now! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!… Wait, scratch that one.