Rat Soup Eatin

This really is a Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones.
[credits roll "Come my lady, come come m'lady"]

I saw it in the theaters. Wasn't as memorable for me I guess. I really can't stand those cold dead shark eyes of Josh Hartnett.

Battle Royale was a mainstream blockbuster and highest grossing movie in Japan when it came out in 2000. So for good reason more than a "few nerds" saw this.

*Wild eyed*
I just like doin' stuff like that.

Hmm-not a fan of that Hartnett fella. But maybe I'll give it a watch.

I always thought this movie would get "Battle Royale"d ala Hunger Games. Where the plot would be straight lifted and remade with a different title.

I went from the similar decision-based-gameplay of The Walking Dead (with its stylized low fi graphics) to Until Dawn and was just blown away. The photorealism combined with on-the-nose horror had me proselytizing Until Dawn to both horror and game fans.

Ethel Merman was over-rated and waaaaay too many cameos (Don Knotts coulda brought his A game).

I quite enjoyed Creed. Sly Stallone didn't write so he actually had some great lines. MBJ and Coogler are a great team!

"Give me the mirror."
*Stares wildly at Malvos face in the reflection then cracks mirror.*
"Yeah. Aces."
Cut to black

Stray observation: Peggie sits and talks to the imaginary man. Next scene Hank sits on the same step and starts blacking out. Curious as Hank is a little loose in the head as well (alien hieroglyphics)- not sure if connected or just the concussion setting in.

I'd only heard it in "The Jerk".

Loved this- especially the random anecdotes:
Groping Mrs Claus
Drunken underage kids doing karaoke
Developing porn sites after getting fired

Oh shit I thought he just said diverse.
I'm not racist, I'm too fruity.


AOOOH! I am. Totinos. Pizza. Boy.

I'd yell that for free.
And will if I ever see the bum.

You betcha :)