
Hey, you forgot the one in Chicago!

holy crap I'm old.

I still use the same gmail account that I made 10 years ago after receiving an invitation.

I remember when I thought I was hot shit because I had gmail and I had a whole 10 invites to give to friends

I don't get it.

There is no agreed upon definition of the continents. Watch CGPGrey's video on continents if you don't believe me. There is no need to be an asshole.

Class 8 trucks aren't crash tested. They are so much more massive than other vehicles on the road that it doesn't really make much of a difference that they don't need crumple zones or anything. Cab and seat attachment structure have to have crash survivability but that's only tested through FEA as far as I know and

and sirens.

I kind of wish radio stations could be fined for airing car horn sounds. Multiple times that has really made me jump while driving in traffic.

I don't see how this is better than a credit card. Additionally, a retailer can require that they verify your signature on the back of your card and this little gadget won't have that. Some retailers don't check the sig but require you to hand them your card to manually enter the last four digits. Again, you can't do

How does it handle when the cashier asks to see your card to enter the last 4 numbers of card, or the CCV number? They will no doubt ask to see the card or make you show your ID anyway.

"But nobody can really ignore those ads"

The only time I tap on an in-game ad is when it's by accident. And it's generally difficult not to do that in some games. On one game I play, the bottom ad sits adjacent to a line of things on the bottom you have to tap to remove. One missed tap can open an ad. I also hate the ones that hide the "close" x or button in

I would fire the racker. They eight is in the wrong spot.

And this is the last one we'll be getting in a while too since the Chinese lander stopped responding or whatever it was, right?

....and there's no stars in the sky!

Yeah but this is muuuuuuch bigger..

At some point in the lifespan of the ship, it will become more costly to operate and maintain it than it would be to just buy a new ship. Between new ships being more efficient, and older ships systems just wearing out there has to be some sort of real motivation to keep something running, either function (no other

Considering aluminum is the most abundant element after oxygen and silicon in lava, it's no more polluting than pouring a glass of water out into the ocean.

99.999999999999999% of those people most likely had absolutely zero malicious intent as well. TSA is just security theater and a pain in the ass.