
I wonder what 6 other states have tried to introduce similar bills in recent years?

My father flew cobra's in Vietnam, there rotors often took damage from bullets (I have seen many pictures of them riddled with holes), so I wouldn't say "slightly" damaged blade, these military helicopters are meant to take a fair amount of damage.

Its college, your child would probably be an adult. I think they are targeting potential students that are ready to be independent (references to drinking, transportation, etc).

Or... if you had watched the video at 0:42 you would have seen "No Sugar" - but I do agree it was a stupid video.

You certainly might know more than me on the topic so I hope to learn from you.

Agreed, many semi trucks produce 500+ horsepower but three trucks certainly don't create the same amount of energy as this monster.

I agree for the most part, but maybe the deprived areas can get all the rich peoples books.

I will quote from your own Wikipedia article... "or 1024 gigabytes." - it's in the very first sentence.

12 Trillion Bytes - that's almost a 100 Trillion Bits of data!

because of the way data was created conversions are not like the metric system.

12 Trillion Bytes / 1024 = 11,718,750,000 Kilobytes

I'm not an optical engineer, but i would imagine a plastic scratch affects light travel similar to a glass scratch... clear material acting as a lens?

Another commenter talked about his experience with the CH-53's and the rotor wash bounced cars off the ground in a parking lot, and rotor wash exceeds 150 MPH...

There are a number of companies that will insure your phone, I don't use any of them - but the first hit on Google is for $59. I bet if you searched around a bit you could find cheaper.

I agree with how easily the lens gets scratched... but peeve isn't the lack of recession, but the fact that the camera lens is plastic on my glass phone. If the lens was glass it wouldn't be so scratched. The back of my naked phone looks fine, except the plastic lens.

The Corsair is the Connecticut state aircraft... I love those things.

The UN is in the US... you can clearly see the steering wheel is on the correct side for our country.

I will bite - lets do some fun math. According to Wikipedia (please don't hate) Foxconn employees make less than $17 a day, work more than 12 hours a day, and work 6 days a week. So I want to TRY to compare that to my world. At foxconn they make $102 a week if they make the full $17 a day.

I was really hoping to see what the first computer password used at MIT was. A useless and meaningless piece of information, but something I was curious about anyway.

Your comment is a bit vague but I assume you are talking about the time gap between the accident and the symptoms, I had similar thoughts - I am guessing Erin figures that it took 40 years for the cyanide to reach the high school (moving at less than a mile a decade) and the accident is just now getting to the school