I agree someday they will be safe, but I (and I am speaking only of myself) will never want a computer to have the ability to take over while I choose to drive.
I agree someday they will be safe, but I (and I am speaking only of myself) will never want a computer to have the ability to take over while I choose to drive.
What happens if it sees a dust cloud blow in front of me and it thinks its a solid concrete pillar - computers do make mistakes. Now the car scares the stuff out of me as it applies brakes and steering to avoid nothing. Maybe it puts me off the road, maybe it causes someone to rear end me... I see a system using…
There is no argument involving god that can be won. So I leave you a quote from George Carlin...
Your right, there IS always a reason if one product costs more than another. But sometimes that reason is one company has a larger profit margin than another.
And where do natural rights come from?
But when will it take over, how will it know know the driver is asleep. I would not want a computer to have the ability to take over my car - just because it thinks I fell asleep. Computers arn't that good yet.
The internet can be a "right" here in the USA if we the people want it to be - we fight for and make our own rights - replace the word rights with privileges because that's exactly what they are.
Just to be a devils advocate (I actually agree with you):
For those too lazy to go to youtube - its the human power plant shown in the Matrix
For what its worth, they have been doing what comedian is talking about for decades over at Niagara Falls. That is a renewable energy source that can produce much more power at times than the grid can use.
I don't think Graymulligan meant here, I think he meant she should not have posted pictures of herself and her own name online in general...I wouldn't have, but I am glad she did.
Personally I was guessing "tramp," but I don't think either word should be banning material.
My Guess: They are only charging those who don't use autopay... that means they are treating groups differently. If everyone was treated the same (if everyone was charged) perhaps it wouldn't raise eyebrows?
But that isn't a fee to stay in the country... Uncle Sam will charge you an extra $2 soon enough its almost tax season again.... Its just there to empty your wallet.
Or if you show up with commercial vehicles like me, I need to go inside and hand them payment, walk outside fill it up, then walk back inside for receipt and change. I can't swipe at the pump the $75-100 limit doesn't cover it for me.
The incident is sad for sure, but there are lights and buzzers to warn you that your primary breathing system is broken - I don't think he missed it. In a normal pressurized aircraft protocol is to descend as rapidly and safely as possible to an altitude that you can breath without supplemental Oxygen.
Depends where you are, many northern courses aim for Bentgrass greens but end up with Poa Annua... I was a Turfgrass Major in College.
Become a State or stop complaining about your missing perks - I think without the USA Puerto Rico would be struggling even worse then they already are.
Perhaps at Virgin Galactic's Gateway to Space (previously know as Spaceport America) in the New Mexico Desert.
It is perfectly 'chainalbe'