Relying on sun and wind seems... unreliable - so perhaps climate change would affect our ability to generate power with solar and wind turbines.
Relying on sun and wind seems... unreliable - so perhaps climate change would affect our ability to generate power with solar and wind turbines.
I was thinking of putting them in a Russian Rocket and sending them up to find Heaven - I'd use an American Rocket - but we all know how our space program is going, plus the Red Tape.
Wouldn't it be nice if someone made Wesboro Baptist Church people disappear on the 21st and blamed the rapture...
Yes chemicals that we use on our farm are "regulated" and very "hard" for me to get...
The same buses served the entire district, so grades 7-12 took the same buses, they dropped off at the High School and Middle School, both had almost identical start times. The buses would then go out and round up grades 3-6 and drop them at their respective schools, Finally they would go and pick up Kindergarten AM -…
So very true...
It took a long time to expose old photos, he is resting his hand so it will not move, same with the guy resting his hand against a jacket button. Its also why they don't smile in old photos.
The article isn't about the man tucking his jacket, there are 8 faces to find in the photo, but they used to tuck their hand so they had a place to rest it while the film was being exposed, remember it took a while. It wasn't a style thing, they needed a pose that would keep them from moving or it would blur. Thats…
Its not really a thumbs up, his fingers are inside his jacket, and resting on one of his buttons, they needed to hold the pose for some time, it was best to stay in a relaxed state where you wouldn't worry about moving, raised appendages in old photos are almost always resting on something, people don't smile because…
I am sure that you will still be able to get incandescent bulbs after Jan. 2012 - they will be "banned" for regular use - but still available for special use or special fixtures. I hear thats how it is in England now, for example how will your kid use her retro easy bake oven without gaining access to incandescent…
My High School Started at 7:15AM so most buses were dropping students off around 7AM, if I took the bus to school it took me over an hour trip (I was the first one on in the morning) driving to school on my own took only about 20min.
According to your analogy "you car will driver forever after the engine seizes up" wouldn't that mean our bodies would keep walking after the brain was dead?
Darwin wasn't an atheist...
Put generators on exercise bikes and make people power their own gadgets and loose weight! - just kidding.
Don't forget about money - its one of the dirtiest things we carry around with us.
I considered that, but even if they were raised, how many blind people use their entire hands to detect dots - arn't they supposed to be finger sized and felt?
I think its an ADA requirement - I am not saying it makes any sense, but how much government stuff does...
I heard it was an ADA requirement - so if a blind person took a taxi or whatever to the bank they wouldn't have to tell their driver the PIN or handle the transaction...
Except that the video clearly states they are cotton balls...
Same Rights?