@blueTitanium: you tube will answer all your questions better than I can describe... these are known as penny farthing, high wheel or high wheeler bikes: [www.youtube.com]
@blueTitanium: you tube will answer all your questions better than I can describe... these are known as penny farthing, high wheel or high wheeler bikes: [www.youtube.com]
@nlshelton: The grille was lit between the android and the windows - closer to the windows in the center...
@The Squid: I can't decide who is right on the protection of the worker issue, not enough new jobs are being created and that is a cause of the current job recession. Yet improved construction methods like this, or the self scanners are money saving progress that could lower costs in a bad economy...
@se7a7n7: Well in 1961 we said we would walk on the moon... in 1969 we did.
@evil_twin_skippy: Always tip on the full amount when using coupons discounts and gift cards, thats proper etiquette - the servers don't do any less work, and don't deserve any less compensation
I don't think the Super Stallion is the "Largest and Heaviest helicopter in the U.S. Military" how about the Chinook or maybe the skycrane?
@ZillionDollarSadist: Skip to 4:05 for the actual start of the test...
The Monorail from Ireland says its the first, and is dated for the 1880's. But there is one pictured that was built to celebrate the nations 100th birthday 1876... conflict of information.
How often do you think they get hit by lightning? Sounds thrilling...
Did they reinforce the siding and shingles too? I understand pushing a test till one house blows down, but why is the fortified house still covered with materials.
@iDon't even: Its because from their perspective its just video on a little screen, your not scared watching videos are you...
Jeff Foxworthy joke comes to mind:
He should have let the music industry take him to court - he dosn't need a lawer, he could have sold the car to his friend for $1 then they can take everything he owns - nothing. Thats the problem with trying to sue those of us that are young and have nothing to loose.
@AustinMiniMan: I wish your article wasn't so close to the bottom, you have made the most important, and meaningful point related to the article.
A company is SD sells this stuff, their website shows how it looks on IR, cool stuff... [www.aerostar.com]
@bukalemun: It wouldn't be too bad if they were rounding up to $10,000 .... but with that math it would be $10,000 - $20,000 so yikes!, you could buy alot of Russian cars for that
I can't help but wonder what the rules are for taking photos inside aircraft carriers and posting them online. - I'm not accusing, just curious.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I agree 100% with the forced commercial at the beginning of clips - once I realize I am on a site with these I will usually surf elsewhere to watch my 10sec clip.
I found the article very interesting and informing, but if the computer didn't know what it said how would it verify what you typed is correct?...