No. I don’t hate Trump for the simple reason that nothing he does is likely to ever be as bad as Bush/Cheney did.
No. I don’t hate Trump for the simple reason that nothing he does is likely to ever be as bad as Bush/Cheney did.
Red, white, blue and gunpowder.
I, for one, really do hope we return to sanity.
The ghost of Sergei Mangitsky lives!
To be fair, they do make lot of noise whenever ISIS cuts off Christian heads in places we think of as shitholes.
You’re arguing with an idiot that’s a jihadist.
Is it possible to make the gap bigger?
Lindsey’s been mad at Donny since the primaries.
There are shitholes populated by white people. I guarantee you that Trump thinks that Mississippi is a shithole. Because it truly is.
Did you read a text on American History? If so, that’s probably why it was limited to, you know, American History.
42 is the new 12.
Where does Louisiana fit in?
Yes, Ghana is a country many Americans would consider a shithole. It’s even worse than Mississippi.
Of course he pays bills through his corporations. Everyone that owns a business does (or should). In the US, if you personally pay for your company’s debts (or use your company for personal business) it opens you up to personal liability.
I don’t see it as racist. I’ve called Mississippi a shithole lots of times. Not because of race, but because it’s usually last in all the bad statistics.
Exactly. He probably called Haiti an “AIDS filled Hellhole” or something.
Wow! A realist. I thought I was the only one that commented here. Welcome!
Are you fucking kidding me? Trump won the office by openly being racist. This doesn’t hurt him.
I’m not sure about that whole approach. Saying women should always be believed is something I can’t get behind. Saying women should never be believed is equally bad.
You know who introduced and sponsored the Mangitsky Act, right?