The password is “password.”
The password is “password.”
I love that the same people who a few years ago were jumping up and down and waving flags outside your local city hall dressed as George Washington are now poo-pooing the act of protest.
A D&D analogy? Have yourself a star, good sir.
It’s okay, man. Posts like that are what makes this place worth it.
I call that faction the “dipshit” faction, but “moron” or “sucker” will work just as well if you wish to be polite.
Just wait. If things go real sideways and Trump/GOP goes full fascist, these so-called anti-government militias will be the first ones reached out to by the administration to be a “citizen guard” or somesuch moniker and become the very brown shirts they’ve spent the last 25+ years claiming to be afraid of. They think…
The Rocketeer is one of my most beloved childhood theater experiences. I was ten and went with my cousin. I can still remember the soda and popcorn combos the theater sold that we bought. As a kid, I was pretty into airplanes, World War II and good ol’ fashion pulp thrills a’la Indy, and the Rocketeer had it all. A…
Yep. I’m a gun owner and even I roll my eyes at the mental health dodge.
Seriously. Anytime a pro-gun person brings up Switzerland, I think, “Yeah, okay. Sounds good to me!”
Yep. In short: The Swiss are adults about gun ownership. Americans? Not so much (and I say this as an American gun owner).
A Rush reference? All the stars for you.
It’s tempting to lump all Swiss together as “white people” and call it a day, Switzerland is indeed multi-cultural, and is comprised of German, French, Italian and Romansh speaking cultural regions.
While high by European standards, gun ownership in Switzerland is hardly comparable to the United States, as it is less than a quarter the per capita rate than the USA, comes out of a completely different defensive context (national defense instead of self defense), and operates under its own set of safety regulations…
Came for this. Left satisfied.
“Once DHS cleans up our voter rolls, Colorado will be a lot more red as purples go.”
Between Titus Andronicus, Breeders, and Andrew W.K. I’ve got a busy weekend.
Yes. In a big red wig of curls.
Mulan is cool and all to adapt, but how about a hard R, George Miller directed live-action sequel to Brave entitled Warrior Queen Merida versus the Picts? My money is there for the taking, Disney.