
Carter? But he’s history’s greatest monster!

Their early work was a little too new wave for Ted’s tastes, but when Sports came out in ‘83, he thinks they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He’s been compared to

No, no. Beating up is fine.

I’m a gun owner too. I own several, including two semi-auto rifles. As for your point about “assault weapon” being a made up word, both I and another poster supplied you with definitions that are relatively clear and from which salient features can be gleaned and anyone not arguing in bad faith can tell you that

What’s an assault weapon? Well for starters, any semi-automatic, fully automatic, or selective fire rifle chambered in an intermediate round that traces its lineage back to the German Sturmgewehr 44 (which translates to “assault rifle 44”).

Yep. Gonna go smoke a cigarette now...


If you need further proof of how shitty InfoWars is, Milo Y. now works for them. If you needed proof of how shitty Milo Y. is, he now works for InfoWars.

Well deserved. I’ve seen Andrew W.K. three times and all three shows rank among the best concerts I’ve ever been to. Calling them concerts undersells the experience, really. Andrew W.K. shows are tent revivals for the Church of Rock n’ Roll. They’re big, sweaty explosions of joy and I recommend them to anyone in need

I’m almost certain that he posted the pic to Instagram with the hashtag #igglesrule.

Ditto. And as hot as 1969 Karen Black was, Toni would have been my choice too.

*Starts article*


Plenty of other countries have stricter laws than ours and manage to A) retain private gun ownership and B) have fewer mass shootings and gun violence in general. So pretty please, with sugar on top, drop the all or nothing thinking or kindly get bent.

That logic can be applied to terrorism, you know. No point in trying to stop scary Muslims from building bombs because killing is in human nature yada yada yada. And no reason to have increased border security because a determined person will find a way through blah blah blah.

Oh step off. There ain’t that much difference between a gun with selective fire and a gun that’s just a semi-automatic. This whole AR-15 isn’t an M-16 defense is disingenuous pedantry made is bad faith and everyone who makes it knows it.

Now playing

Hell yes. Maurice LaMarche’s Welles voice is one of my favorite parodies of all time.

The masterful filmmaking of Orson Welles finds ways to live on, even in the era of memes.

Uh, let’s not give Dubya too much credit. The Federal Assault Wepons Ban sunsetted on his watch.