While Beck’s Sea Change rates very highly for me (I even have a poster for it on my wall), if I were to choose one break-up album to rule them all, there is really only one choice for me: The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance.
While Beck’s Sea Change rates very highly for me (I even have a poster for it on my wall), if I were to choose one break-up album to rule them all, there is really only one choice for me: The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance.
Oprah made her point. No need to drag things out...
Well this is a bummer to hear. I rather enjoyed the novel.
I completely get you. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t typically go go low brow stuff, but there was something about Jackass that captured, I don’t know, call it “Bro Energy” that really spoke to me and my friends. We’d never do high level stupid stunts a’la Jackass, but we did enough stuff to see ourselves in it.
I like how you party.
Come on down! The more the merrier. It’s typically the first weekend of February. They also do a ska-core festival in the fall if that’s your style (typically more locally oriented in its lineup).
It was the annual Los Angeles Ska Wars. It’s mostly local and regional acts, which means a Latin flair, but they usually land one or two bigger national/classic names a year along with Viernes 13, who are L.A.’s current hometown ska heroes along with bands up from Mexico like Inspector. In the past The Toasters have…
Skanked it up at a Ska festival yesterday. A good time was had by all.
I’m still a CD buyer and will be until they have to pry them from my cold, dead hands. That said, I finally embraced Spotify a bit over a year ago and it has been a revelation. If you’re hesitant at all, try it or one of the other streaming services. The ability to listen to a vast catalogue and have playlists…
I feel you. Trawling the used bins at the record store* is my happy place.
I still buy CD’s. Kind of hard to stop when your collection is pushing a couple thousand. No, I’m not old fashioned. I’m 20 years ahead of the next generation of hipsters.
A word to the wise: You’re missing out on Happy!.
Happy! is just gonna be off the fuckin’ chain now. Yeah, they’ve been flouting it, but still...
Millennials subsist entirely on a diet of gluten-free Lara Bars and irony, only leaving their cars when they stop being Uber drivers and start being Task Rabbits.
The new Andrew W.K. single shows not simply the Party Hard spirit, but brings to the fore what AWK really is: tent revival music for the religion of Rock ‘n Roll. For us fans, that’s the secret of his appeal.
It makes me want to SCREAM DRACULA SCREAM!
Rock over London; Rock on Chicago.
Hey, if you were ever wondering why some kid in South Korea keeps kicking your ass at Overwatch, there’s your answer.
Word. Any month that has a Screaming Females release is stacked.