Man, poor Fatty. It’s been almost a century since he was acquitted and we can still use him as a go-to for this kind of deal. Some legacies never recover.
Man, poor Fatty. It’s been almost a century since he was acquitted and we can still use him as a go-to for this kind of deal. Some legacies never recover.
Karen Gillan...
If ever there was proof that Stone has disappeared up just own ass, his offense at the Slacker reference is it.
Interesting to learn that. It definitely feels of a pre-Trump era.
Good to know. That said, “most” isn’t nearly as good as “every.”
In a way, ex-post facto is exactly what they’re afraid of. For many gun advocates, further gun regulations, even minor ones, are but stepping stones to the inevitable confiscation of their guns by the jackbooted thugs of the U.N./N.W.O./Anti-Christ/Godless Secular Government/whatever the bad guy du jour is (Antifa…
Worth noting: even if Kelley had been properly barred from buying weapons at a store (note: he may not have even been aware he was breaking the law), he would have been able to purchase weapons through a private sale at gun show or elsewhere on the secondary market as TX doesn’t require background checks in those…
Gonna throw another possible factor out there as to the muted reactions beyond age of the target demographic and perceived quality: they are both light albums at a time when the tide is beginning to turn against light music after a decade of preeminence. The events of Thebes’s past couple of years have shaken people…
Do not besmirch the Zardoz strapped underwear! There is no better piece of clothing to be a visual symbol of the Union Jack. Plus, you just know it’s comfortable as all hell.
*History Major Star*
I used to work at a pizza place and this clip was a particular favorite for me and a fellow employee to quote.
Also Conservatives:
Hey now, don’t besmirch Budweiser by comparing it to Papa John’s. Budweiser is far better on a hot summer day than a Papa John’s pizza is on any day.
I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said for the most part. Hopefully Trump will be out before he can do deep damage.
Certainly, but Trump has not yet amassed a body count like W’s.
Seriously. I understand the urge because W is certainly more personable than Trump, but HALF A MILLION PEOPLE ARE DEAD* as a direct result of Bush’s intervention in Iraq. He may be a nicer person than Trump, but his presidency wasn’t a farce the way Trump’s has been so far: it was a tremendous human tragedy.
And *sharp exhale* like that, his career’s gone.