“Duff Gardens... Hurrah!”
Yeah, and what’s the timeline? Given the number of these shootings we’ve had over the past couple of decades and the minute amount of effect they’ve actually had on our gun laws, the NWO/Illuminatti/Lizard People must be playing a reeeeeeaaaally long game. Like a minimum hundred year plan to get Americans to give up…
Man, you have no idea.
Admittedly, that’d be something to see.
This post needs more stars.
But the brains you said I had went to my head.
awww man, SW still has peanuts? I miss those. Seems all I see anymore are pretzels, which are a poor substitute.
Nah, the game was planned; part of a road trip I took with my Cool Stoner Relative. Cool Stoner Relative thought it’d be neat to sample the local dispensaries and get high before the game. She, of course, had a much higher tolerance than me. It was all par for the course for her. But me? Oy, it was a heavy ride.
“Take off my shoes and belt? Of course, Officeeeeer....”
This article really resonated with me. I was ten when JFK came out and I saw it in the theater with my mom. For a kid who already had a nascent interest in UFO’s, the movie was gasoline for my “Don’t Trust The Man,” fire. Fed further by shows like Unsolved Mysteries, Sightings, and The X-Files, I spent the 90's in a…
SF Giants, actually. Glad to find out I wasn’t the only person dumb enough to try it, though.
Their first two albums are inarguably classics; two of the finest albums in the 90's alt-rock canon, really. I’ll always contend that their next two are at least varying shades of good. Green is kind of lightweight, yeah, but it’s a fun blast of power pop that was downright refreshing when it was released. The album…
I’ve been cautious with weed cookies since I ate one and went to a Major League Baseball game a couple of years ago. It was, uh, an experience.
Man, I don’t think I even want to hear bands I like play on a plane. I just want the NyQuil to kick in and knock the hell out.
Get your tissues ready.
I’ve heard four songs from it on my Spotify preview mix and all four were total crap. Not just pandering, but straight lazy pandering. Guess the much ballyhooed “return to form” of the last couple of albums is over. I’m not surprised at this point, but it’s still disappointing for someone like me who didn’t simply…
So... who’s going to have the courage to listen to Pacific Daydream all the way through?
Looks like something out of Shadowrun’s Rigger’s Black Book therefor I want it.
Yeah, but you’re missing the point that they’re FRENCH teachers. If there’s one thing any good ‘murican knows, it’s that French is a prissy language of no use to anyone who isn’t a beret-wearing, tofu-eating, big city liberal (likely one with sexual proclivities real ‘muricans are opposed to).