
I grew up near Edwards AFB and spent a decent chunk of my childhood plunking around the desert and it is indeed weird, uncanny even, how the deep desert can do that to you. In the rare times I find myself back out, way out, in the Mojave, I get that little buzz. Man, just typing about it has me wanting to make a road

As someone who works at exactly the same kind of place as the the guy with the “one fourth pepperoni” story, that one hits real REAL close to home.

As a regular drinker of the Champagne of Beers, I approve of this article.

Perhaps my favorite Futurama quote ever... Certainly the one most applicable to my life.

You, good sir or madam, have my undying love and admiration.

My good sir, I believe that you and I would get along marvelously.

Hey, they're just making their way any way the know how.

Behold one of my favorite throw-away gags from Bojack Horseman (read the news scroll at the bottom):


I hope you choke on your effing rueben.

Merida gif.? You get a star.

They weren’t just “using technology.” They were essentially gaming the system to skip ahead of people who were waiting. Sure, they were unaware of exactly how it worked, but their insistence more than makes up for their simple ignorance.

Yep indeed. Post of the night.

Even more so, they should shut up. Ain’t nothing a server likes to hear less than, “I worked in a restaurant and in my day...”

Good Christ, I know. Try working at a pizza joint ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD. I got nothing against New Yorkers, but seriously guys, shut the fuck up about how much better you think pizza is in the city. No one cares.

You know, once in a blue moon you get that one friend-of-an-asshole that makes you believe in the goodness of humanity...

Guess who gets that joke.

Faux-latto... well played.

Well played.

Ride on to Valhalla, good Christopher. We raise our mead to thee.