“Stupid, sexy Flanders...”
Damn, that is lawsuit close.
I feel for the poor bastard that’s going to have to cut all these with a pair of bolt cutters.
*tips cap* Well played.
Yep. I attended one of the most legendarily liberal colleges on the west coast and even I, as a pretty left-of-center kind of guy, found the attitude of intellectual absolutism among many of the student activist types grating. This was the dark days of Bush’s first term and the Iraq invasion, when being liberal…
Dammit! I wanted it so bad.
Honestly, I didn’t get any of that at all and I’m pretty hip to that kind of thing (degree in film). The nod was one of mutual respect. Both characters recognize in each other their shared experience and common drive. That nod wasn’t of submission, or a “thanks for putting me in power.” It was, “Well done,” in a very…
*slow clap* You n’ me both, buddy. You n’ me both.
Word. It’ll be depressing if the show, still a cultural institution despite it’s prolonged decline in quality, goes out on such a whimper.
You. Yes you. Have all the stars you like.
I happen to be at the opposite end of the spectrum (I’m one of those Little-Monster, Gaga-is-my-Queen types), but I too have noticed how she’s slowed her roll a bit in a good way. Whatever heat she took for Artpop, it seems like she rolled with the punch and is settling into a nice mid-career maturation
Sank into a long, deep depression, took up drinking and listened to tons of My Chemical Romance. I regret nothing.
We call a guy like that a “travellin’ man” for a reason.
“What, never?!”
As Mouthless Donny said, scarcity matters and it matters to such a point that attaching this whole value thing where “value art=good” and “dumb modern Americans don’t value art=bad” is just way too reductive. To offer my own oversimplification as counterpoint/illustration: We value gourmet food because it is hard to…
In order to get a Da Vinci you need a society that recognizes the genius in a work of art and praises it to the point where it gets recognized as a masterpiece.