*Raises his fist in the air* Preach, sister, preach!
*Raises his fist in the air* Preach, sister, preach!
That's because those are the Top 40 pop charts. They sucked even then. Nobody who knew anything was listening to those stations. It was the alt rock and the gangster rap scene that were smoking hot back then.
"I figured if anyone knew where to get some tang, it'd be you."
I'm a thirty-something dude and I'd buy the hell out of that Barbie
Rejoining the Super-Context: The Best Apocalypse by far.
We oughtta have shotguns for this kind of deal.
I'm with ya in spirit, but Daft Punk really are a cut above the usual DJ stuff.
This Guy: Doin' it right.
Quite nice but...
"There is no need to be upset."
Make this happen. Now.
Seriously, man. I want to steal it for myself. I'd be sexaaaaay!
Errrp, yeah. "To." Damn my fast typing without proofreading.
Uh, I think this article is just addressing creative endeavors, not one's "too-read list."
Ha-HA! Marvelous. I shall celebrate my victory by indulging in some Gathering.
Damn. I know when I'm beaten. I fold and will now retreat to Finland and curl up with some Nightwish.
Soooooo edgy.
Well, long before that Argentina had a German-minority. That said, it made it all the easier for escaped Nazis to blend in.
I'll see your "Du Hast" and raise you a "Te Quiero Puta!"
Not directly. I buy shirts and hoodies from bands I like or from artists off of Redbubble, and they tend to use American Apparel. Whatever else you can say about the company (I hate the porny ads and the way they pander so hard for the hipster millennial dollar), they actually make some pretty good quality stuff. An…