You, sir, sound like you lead an interesting life. I wanna hang out with you.
You, sir, sound like you lead an interesting life. I wanna hang out with you.
That's a good one. Cheerio indeed.
Not nearly as fashionable as it is to believe the Singularity is just around the corner with presents of immortality and preserved mind states and puppy dogs for everyone. Technophiles need a little cold water thrown on them, especially when they start to scrape close to the philosophical and psuedo-scientific. And I…
Uh, Allen was never acquitted of anything. The case did not go to court (even though the prosecutor found "probable cause" to do so).
The Storm Trooper getting beaned by the clown shoe is that little thing that just makes the sketch. Ties it off with a bow.
The presumption would be that Ripley had a duaghter prior to the events of Alien who was left behind as Ripley went out to work on the Nostromo.
I know I'm supposed to be all outraged, but all I can think while watching the video is, "Man, the guy put a good snap on it and got a nice, square landing."
Panty and Stocking style? You, sir, made my night.
I doff my cap to you, sir.
For me it's "On top of a pile on money, with many beautiful ladies." Also, "MENDOZAAAAAAAA!"
False flag! Flase flag! Tut was killed by the New World Order and David Icke's Lizard beings because he opposed their evil socialist-fascist-communist plan for a one world government that would take 3,000 to complete. Only sheeple believe it was an accident.
Hell yes! Janelle 4eva!
I won't claim to be wise but in the life I've thus far lived I've found that most people act in good faith, even if what they do or believe are things I strenuously, even violently, disagree with. It's kind of cliche, but hey, even the Nazis thought they were on the side of right (but this doesn't make them right in…
If I had to guess, I'd say that Kim Jong-Un was indoctrinated thoroughly as a child before he even left North Korea and further indoctrinated upon his return from studying abroad. His experiences were framed and put in the proper, approved "context." As much as it would please our sensibilities that someone, somewhere…
Hey Albert: Fuck you.
You're missing out on Jack in the Box. The fried tacos are unwholesomely delicious.
Now see, it's the picture of Alessandra Torresani that's turning me on. Nothing against Summer Glau, mind you...
*Quote* "Yes." *End Quote*
I wouldn't say I like books 3 and 4 MORE than books 1 and 2, but I will say that I hate how people poo-poo them. They're great reads and worthy follow ups. The climax of the series in Rise of Endymion (the "shared moment") had my jaw on the floor. Friggin' love that series.