"Gonna Find Me a Genie With a Magic Bikini" by Johnny Calhoun
"Gonna Find Me a Genie With a Magic Bikini" by Johnny Calhoun
"Your hair doesn't have much body, eh. Might I suggest you use conditioner?"
I never really took their portrayal of the anti-war crowd terribly seriously. It was just so over the top that I had to laugh at it. I guess to me it played as the cartoon caricature that conservatives saw anti-war liberals as made real, thereby exposing the ridiculousness of the caricature. I know that Parker and…
Yeah, and a gleeful parody of action-movie tropes. Its targets are wide ranging.
That was my take. I mean, I guess I can see how if you were an anti-war liberal, you could find the portrayal of anti-war liberals in the film unkind, but as a strongly anti-war liberal myself, I found said portrayal to be so cartoonish that I could only laugh at it. I never took it as a serious denouncement of the…
You have a point, but I do feel like they've dipped into politics enough on South Park (and it's typically done with an air of "calling it as they see it") that it's fair game to call them out when appropriate.
Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised about how the season turned out.
Have they though? I guess it depends on what you got out of it. I always saw Team America as taking to the piss out of the War on Terror rather than an endorsement.
Still one of my all time favorite episodes. that might have been their peak era.
South Park helped normalize it, though. And I say that as a fan.
I'm a fan of South Park, and I completely agree with this. Parker and Stone come off increasingly chicken shit for just shrugging at Trump. They made their entire reputation as "plain speaking truth tellers," but now that plain speaking truth telling basically requires unequivocally taking a side, they're just saying…
Hasn't that river suffered enough?
Real talk: When he DOES finally kick, they're going to have to monitor his gravesite with guards, because people will be trying to piss and/or shit on it at every available opportunity.
And let's be honest: That's how fascism operates. The GOP have pretty much given up all pretense of being anything but fascists. Lazy, half-asses fascists, perhaps, but still fascists.
You know, I have never felt better living in one of those coastal "elite" states than I do right now. If the shit goes down, we'll probably break away, or at least be allowed to be isolated. Of course, if the shit REALLY goes down, we'll all hung together, which is comforting, I guess?
Goddamn you, if that isn't the hardest "damned if you do…" choice.
Glad to see I'm not alone.
Awww man. I was kind of hoping they'd use the Ramones cover.
Oh man, I gotta go to one of these convents… To devote myself to God, of course! What did you think I meant?