
Yes, he's a doofus, but honestly? I like Jerry. By the standards of the show, there's little malice in him. And, bless him, he tries… I won't go so far as to call him the moral center of the show, but, as others have pointed out, he's the nega-Rick and you can't have the show without him in some capacity.

And to think: all that effort just so wealthy people can pay less in taxes and social regressives can keep being social regressives.

Presumably. Mormons are Christians. They're a different sort than most other sects, but they're still Christians.

Got any literature? I'm looking for a new religion and I like the sound of yours.

*slow clap*

Feelin' good was good enough for me.

StichFace, I like the cut of your jib.

Couple that fact with the gerrymandering of House districts and you can see just how out-of-whack American politics is. You have what should be a minority party wielding the majority of the power. I'm not one for melodramatics, but it really does appear that we are at the end result of a program to subvert democracy

I just couldn't buy the twist involving the girlfriend London and her motives. It hit me as not at all how people behave and smacked of a writer's hand. At the very least, it's evidence of a deep-seated pathology on her part that needs to be delved into. I'll be around for season 2 because a) I like Arnett and b) I

Yep. Too bad that we won't see it in our lifetimes. The electoral college has pulled the GOP's fat out of the frier twice in the last five elections. They're going to hold onto that for dear life.

I love you, Dr. Zaius.

It's sad and scary how much of the reasoning behind this administration's actions boils down to "to show that we got big dicks." Fucking-A, it's like having that one dumb-ass uncle we all have be president.

Either a) Far more complex than our own given the age and breadth of the civilization or b) far simpler given the high degree of social order. B becomes more likely if my theory that Gems are highly evolved AI's is true (AI's presumably being less prone to error and less inclined to lie).

Been on a Talking Heads kick. I'm three albums into their discography and plan to be through the whole thing before the week is out. Beyond that? IDLES terrific album "Brutalism" is continuing to get play (current leader in the album of the year race) and I made some time to blast My Chemical Romance's "Three Cheers

Well, you tried, so I can't fault you… but you are missing out all the same. The show really picks up after a few episodes as A) the story engages and B) viewers get the hang of its narrative threading.

Has any other show ever been as successful on purely ironic viewing? I think not.

As a Steven Universe fan, I feel your pain.

I had much the same reaction. There was stuff in it I thought was interesting and emotionally resonant, and there was stuff in it that I thought was deeply stupid. Like, "How did this past a script supervisor?" stupid. But it was so genuinely weird that I'll be there to watch season 2, just to see where the hell it

It isn't actually all that bad… until the last episode and a half. It wasn't the best Netflix show, but it was decent if you can hang with sad-sack, watching-someone-be-shitty type of TV. But then it just goes off the rails in the home stretch.

My God…