
Word. I mean, the Jimmy storyline with its rich characterizations and pathos means more to me than even the Mike storyline, but my God, put them together and I'm riveted. Even though BCS wouldn't exist without BB, it's kind of a pity that it lives in the shadow of it because it's such a well executed, satisfying show.

I always hear good things about Fargo, but I made all of maybe two episodes. Why? Because I just couldn't take the dialogue. It wasn't that it was "Minnesota Nice," but because it was like this forced parody of "Minnesota Nice" that saw people not just talking in funny accents or using odd expressions, but straight up

We had to say "dickety" cause that Kaiser had stolen our word "twenty". I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles.

The problem with the megaphone is that it doesn't only magnify the idiots, it helps recruit others, often initially well-meaning and not idiotic, to the cause. It starts with being reasonably skeptical of the government, but one youtube link leads to one book recommendation leads to one website… Pretty soon you're a

"That's a right triangle, you idiot!"

You need more upvotes, good sir.

You may love The Pirate, Mr. St. Rumpterfabble, but I must ask: does the Duchess approve of it?

You're my kind of commenter, Dikachu.

This needs more upvotes.

Dude, yep! Add another data point to my theory.

YOU GUYS: What if the show ITSELF is an attempt by the creators to get McDonalds to bring back szechuan sauce? WE'RE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS, PEOPLE!

Oh shiiiiiit! New headcanon: Gravity Falls take place in an alternate universe wherein Rick was born as twins and it was their sibling Shermie who gave birth to Beth. Ford and Grunkle Stan are Ricks! EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE NOW!

Yeah. The albums encapsulate their respective times, but I've never heard anyone outside this article say that a Gorillaz album hasn't aged well. Pretty universally beloved, in fact. I still hear Gorillaz tracks out in the wild and in the club I go to on the regs (Demon Days tracks get the most play, it seems).

I have no idea, but I'm glad they do. I finally got to see them about a year and a half ago on their West Coast tour and it was a dream come true. I never had a chance to see them in the 90's (and to be honest, even though I bought Downward is Heavenward when it came out, Hum didn't really click for me until the

If you havn't seen them live lately, GO. GO NOW. If you have, then, well, you know what I'm saying.

This needs more upvotes.

Say what you will, but Local H still brings it. Their recent output at least equals their 90's stuff, if not improving upon it. As the article says, Scott Lucas is a great songwriter and they KILL IT live. The isn't a speck of rust or an ounce of fat on Local H. If you don't believe me, catch them live the next time

Came to this comment section to see if someone would mention Hum. Thank you. One of my favorite bands ever. In fact, I listened to Downward is Heavenward just a few hours ago while I was working. Now and forever it will be a desert island pick for me.

The big problem with capitalism as it is currently practiced is that it is, by nature, only interested in short term profits. Shareholders expects quarter-to-quarter gains and a corporation is legally bound to make every effort to assure these profits. That's great for making cheaper cell phones, comfier shoes, and

Don't forget the promise of old-school rust-belt jobs!