
Definitely picking up Greg Graffin's album as I've liked all his solo work. If you want brutally honest songs from inside the implosion of a marriage, his American Lesion album is tough to beat. And I mean "inside" in a very literal way. Greg recorded the album in his home studio as his marriage was falling apart,

Eh, I don't mean it in an "all shippers are the worst," but in the "the worst always happen to be shippers." Plenty of great fans out there are shippers, but it seems that the loudest, most obnoxious fans also happen to be shippers, especially amongst the Steven Universe fandom.

Yeah, this episode was pretty trenchant and I'm both surprised and unsurprised that it hasn't gone over well with the fandom. I get it: people find Ronaldo obnoxious, but the way he's obnoxious rings true, especially in regards to Internet culture and fandom. Because of this aspect, I liked this episode more than the

No, you don't.

Admission: If I had a time machine, one of my stops would be late 80's-early 90's England just so I could get high as hell and dance the club scene. Everything I've read and watched about it tells me that I'd of had a ball. Of course, I also would have loved to be there for the Britpop-era as well… Man, can I just go

*Leaves comment section entirely. Decamps for Voat. Tells tales there of smiting snowflakes through the powers of master trolling.*

There are rumors that Lauren Zuke has left the show. There are further rumors that she was let go because she was/insisted on writing Peridot and Lapis as a couple, something a loud chunk of the fandom doesn't like and has crowed loudly about in the past. This was all based an a now deleted leak of her blog that

What y'all should be listening too that dropped this week but is not mentioned in the article:

Indeed. What folks on the right who use that logic don't understand is that there isn't an inherent equivalence between accepting another person's homosexuality and accepting another person's homophobia (which, let's be frank, 4 out of 5 of these fights are about). Being tolerant of a differing lifestyle and affording

That tumblr post is bang on and echos what I've been saying on FB fan pages, namely "The fanbase that's complaining about this episode deserves (and is proving right) all the shade this episode threw at them."

Yeah, I appreciated that they lampooned a whole spectrum of internet brattiness instead of just locking on to one aspect and writing Ronaldo as that. This is one of those episodes that I think will be judged less harshly down the road, once people are divorced from the "is there going to be a big reveal this week???"

And if someone disagrees, they're either sheeple, or part of the conspiracy.

Gotcha. See ya in the FEMA concentration camps after they come for us!

I want to be real careful how I reply here, because I have known my share of liberals with whackadoo ideas, so I don't want to come off as bagging on right-wingers and not acknowledge people on the left side of the spectrum that are conspiracy minded too…

I'm a fan of Corgan, but I'm of the view that he brought a lot of the "being a joke" stuff on himself: The coziness with Alex Jones, the legendary ego, the way he lionizes his (admittedly considerable) legacy. Billy can have a sense of humor sometimes, but to me he has always come off as the opposite of "not taking

See now, the art side of fandom is cool and I like it. I like the AV Club threads too because here people are not jackholes. The Mary Sue and io9 also have civil SU comment sections. But yeah, get off into the wilds of tumblr or Facebook and it can get varying shades of stupid. I don't know if it's an age thing or

*Replies to flagging on a completely unrelated comment thread. Types in all caps. Calls other user a "cuck"*

You can never beat a classic. None rock a plain white blouse like Pearl.

I agree. Sad that they exploded. In some alternate universe they took off and Billy had a great second stage to his career. I'm pretty sure this is the same universe that saw Republica set the standard for pop exiting the 90's instead of the Spice Girls. I think… I think that's the universe where I truly belong.

*Posts dismissive comment in comments section. Is sure to type "lol" at the end.*