
Also: Thigh-highs. Never doubt the power of thigh-highs.

Bought me a "Repressed Nerd" (callback to "Last One Out of Beach City") shirt off Redbubble and picked up a Crystal Gems/Gorillaz mashup shirt off Sun Frog. Meanwhile, my friend gave me a Pearl pop figurine. T'was a very Steven Universe Christmas for me.

My guess? That matronly bitch thing is a turn on for those with a BDSM fetish.

Don't worry. We won't dog you about it.

Yeah. On paper it doesn't look like terribly deep dialogue, but Zach took it places. When he said "I just want my Dad back," I was zapped back to what it was like when I was mourning my father's passing. Right then, SU hit real close to home, and it was all in the delivery.

If we ever meet White Diamond and she's not drawn like Liz Taylor, I'm gonna be pissed.

Note to self: Get a life. May help avoid spoilers.

I would read the fuck out of this, especially if Longshot was on the team.

Or is it that we're all just a show in her mind???

Dialogue has implied that there are many Pearls, so more than just the Diamonds have them, but it's still be a small elite. The "upper crust" as Bismuth might say.

Damn, beat me to it.

Yeah, but keep in mind that Andy is voiced by Dave Willis AKA Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, so of course he'd say something like "people who can make things happen."

A leak by any other name would still be as spoilery. ;-)

The best way to do it. Enjoy! I know I did.

That is some impressive internet jujitsu.

The night the leak dropped, I knew I'd have to make a decision: Find the spoilers (by watching it) or let the spoilers find me. The Internet keeps secrets about a well as a third grader know knows who his best friend's crush is, so I opted for the former.

I gotta invest in one of those. CN is showing itself that it can't be trusted.

Kids always are… until puberty happens and makes fools of them all.

Hmmm, not bad reasoning in the slightest. I, on the other hand, needed all the SU I could get in order to salve the pain. We cope with the ongoing emergency in our own way, I guess.

You were not alone on that count. And to think, I used to teach kids vocabulary…