Have you ever felt Hedo Turkoglu in your guts?
Have you ever felt Hedo Turkoglu in your guts?
Fuck you, Dave.
You don’t feel like you’re Superman, you are definitely Superman.
I, too, feel like I’m the best quarterback in the league.
and continue to live together even after the shooting.
I don’t have my own—dated a girl with a son for about 2 years and I tell everyone it’s the greatest thing I ever did. I grew the fuck up, real quick. 0-100 real quick, real fuckin’ quick. Made handling the little things in life since then so easy.
I take an epsom salt bath on the daily. Shower after and clean that shit off.
The Prime Day sales on this book are going to be SO GOOD.
I just spent $25 there this morning, and fucking loved it.
RIP Edmund Fitzgerald
So that’s how we keep coke and FIFA partners. It was right under our noses this whole time.
I’ll give you just a tip, baby.
My rule of thumb is 20% for whatever I’m paying for that session.
Granted, Spokane is about the LEAST black place on earth. They’d totally be the ones to not vet a maybe-white girl.
As your video coordinator, I encourage you from time to time, and always in a respectful manner, to question my logic. If you’re unconvinced that a particular plan of action I’ve decided is the wisest, tell me so, but allow me to convince you and I promise you right here and now, no subject will ever be taboo.…
Stop trying to make ratshit happen, Barry. It’s not going to happen!
I always want to listen to the Deadcasts, but I can't be assured that your voices won't ruin this site for me.