
Clinton wins -> Depression : check

Umm, it was more than half of all the private people that she met with during her reign. It was clearly the means to gain her ear, to gain access. She was, therefore, selling her public office. What about people who lack the means to give millions to the Foundation for Graft and Influence Peddling, are they to be shut

oh, millenials are going to "fix" things. can't wait for that.

As another millennial fighting to preserve this space in colleges, amen


Screw you, and all of you left wing Gizmodo degenerate hacks.

I’m pretty sure that’s Oslob, Cebu, Philippines where they bait the whale sharks into coming into the shallow lagoon by hand feeding them. A practice that has been condemned by just about every marine organization in the world. Good job promoting it menegus.

I’m American myself, but I think I have a small understanding of your perspective. After all, what would I call it if a foreign body imposed its will on me and told me what I could and could not do in my own land? Well, I’d probably call it tyranny.

I will add that it makes me laugh when our vote for freedom from the tyranny (oh there goes that word again) of the EU we get jeered from Americans who fought my ancestors (Well sort of) to get their freedom and are so damn protective of it and yet they wouldn’t dream of signing up to the EU or anything like it

How in the heck are we racist? Oh you mean because we want to be free from the TYRANNY of the EU? I’m pretty sure there are far more racist countries in the world in fact I haven’t seen a cop killing someone on our streets in a long time I wonder where that happens? I’m not saying the UK doesn’t have racists in it but

Counterpoint (and no disrespect intended): Like other “holy” books, the Quran is made up (by man) and should be understood in the context of the time and culture it was written in. Not saying it does not have a lot of beauty and truth about life, but to consider a book the inerrant word of God is how troubles start.

Transfeminine? Not in my Google Dictionary. Perhaps Google is more fascist than those bastards at Facebook!