
These idiots are going to kill someone because Facebook doesn’t want to offend the snowflakes on the right. 

If you push REALLY REALLY hard...  he might just stand up straight.

“I built ten ships, but do they call me Seamus the shipbuilder? No!

Because it’s not nearly enough. Small steps aren’t good enough anymore.

I mean, he did trip and the same way that someone might trip and fall after getting shoved down a flight of stairs.

Funny how none of them “spoke up” when that obese waddling feeb hijacked their party and made a total mockery of it in the first place. They sat there smirking while he be-bopped and scatted all over common decency, but NOW they’re “asking questions”. Fuck them all, they threw all credibility away five years ago.

As a neighbour to your North, I just can’t understand how everyone in the US  is armed to the teeth, but the likes of a Tom Cotton never catch a bullet. 

I mean this has to be one of the most corrupt US administrations to this point? I realize that they were really bad and this isn’t somehow defending the goverments of the 19th and 20th century, but in context this is pretty bad. Like they made the Justice Department a complete lackey to them and I don’t know how else

does he really believe he can win the state with just the militia/#covidhoax crowd?

He has failed upwards his whole life. Nothing will stop him from doing what he did before because, after all, it worked.

It really does. The VP pick needs to come out swinging where the Presidential candidate should seem to be above the fray. Tim Kaine was incapable of this and left Hillary to face these battles, alone. We need a VP candidate that will suffer no fools gladly. 

$50 says he’s lying about taking it, just like he lies about everything else. 

Oh God, please not Amy...

Came here to say this. Enough with “Believe All Women.” The hashtag should be “Investigate All Accusations.” It applies urgency and importance to the matter, but it also ensures that accusers who aren’t being 100% truthful get their shit called out.

I had the most wonderful dream where people stormed the White House, dragged 45 out, and beat him on the street.

Once this is all over, they should build a monument inscribed with the names of every person who died of COVID-19. And they should call it the Trump Memorial, as a legacy to his criminal incompetence. 

Boy, if ever a room was begging for a pandemic to sweep through it.

Ghouliani’s advice was probably something along the lines of “Before you say anything publicly about these drugs, let me call our brokers and invest heavily in the companies that make them.”

Could’ve had a competent Stacey Abrams if that ignorant cracker asshole didn’t cheat.

If only a major government agency focused on the cause and spread of disease were located closer to the governor’s mansion...