
Exactly. And combined with the instant torque of an ev and/or following too close (that never happens, right? /s), I can see this occur, not the majority of the time, but enough to make this worth discussing.

1st Gear:

Didn’t Musk just retract his $45m pledged support fro Trump, or at least deny he made any such pledge, after Harris became the new presumptive nominee?

“...and that is why on Day 1 of my presidency that I will outlaw EVs and hybrids and mandate a payphone be installed on every street corner in the country! And not just payphones, but coal-powered payphones!

It will be great for old rich white guys.

As with anything Musk says, you can have a very high confidence in the opposite being true. 

You are saying, in other words, that Democrats know how government works, and know how to get legislation through the wickets. Meanwhile, Republicans have lost this ability and have only ideas, but no ability to get them to the chamber floor. To this, I say you are absolutely correct.

Honestly most of the time I don’t worry about this much. Yeah our Macan wasn’t tested, but Porsche does make safe cars and the Q5 scores just fine. Most of the cars that aren’t tested are higher-end luxury cars, and would you really expect Mercedes to make an S-Class less safe than an E just because it’s not getting

I agree. That whole statement just goes to show what you can get away with if you’re just a nice person. Like, just stop being an asshole! Thats all most people in this world want and for some reason thats just too much to ask of so damn many.

the resulting impact on Tesla car sales was not crucial because Tesla is an artificial intelligence company focused on self-driving technology.

Lance Armstrong’s biggest problem was Lance Armstrong. He was a vindictive asshole. IF lance had not threatened other teammates like he did, if he’d been a nice guy instead of the giant asshole he was, if he’d just ignored Greg LeMond instead of teasing him and (probably) getting trek to spike the lemond brand, if he

Yep. The Republican Party has the mentality of losers.

As I’ve said a million times, if Convicted Felon regains the office, what happens to the EV industry will be #148 on the OMG list of things he’ll do.  Hard to charge your car amidst radioactive fallout.

1st Gear:

Going to guess a lot of politicians with an R by their name (plus indifferent D’s) make sure it just gets some scraps, regulation is evil to them.

Still waiting for that fantastic replacement of the Affordable Care Act.

Now playing

The way George Conway rips into American Hitler’s mental illnesses is refreshing with its brutal frankness:

Can we just edit that headline to correctly read “Trump Presidency will be bad for everyone”?

Translation: I expect a return on my $45M-a-week investment, in the form of legislation and executive orders to skew the market in my favour.

Trump has not explained the plan in detail.