
Agreed, because the only thing better than money, is more money.

“Even if the allegations in the affidavit are true, they don’t begin to justify what happened. At worst, Bryan Malinowski, a gun owner and gun enthusiast, stood accused of making private firearm sales to a person who may not have been legally entitled to purchase the guns.

That must have been one swank A318 to convince people that a 10 hour trip in its narrow cabin was as good as their former 3 hour trip. London City is possibly more convenient for some (although I find LHR insanely easy to get to by train, if a bit distant from London city center). The only advantage then being

I had a rental Pacifica hybrid for a about a week in Maine and it worked well, even if I sometimes had to plug and unplug it several times to convince it to show the map, which I really needed since we drove around half the state, mostly in what felt like the middle of nowhere. I like the GTI interface because I can

Agree to disagree. Wife’s Mercedes has these, and they will run full speed at the smallest sign of drizzle, they basically have a zero-tolerance policy for intermittent.  And they run super fast in even mild rain.  I hate them.

VW has nailed this. My GTI, CarPlay is flawless and the touchscreen is the perfect smallish size, I definitely prefer it over just my phone. I rented an A3 for a lot of driving around London last year, which was disorienting to no end. Plugged in my phone...perfect CarPlay and navigation with a map I could see to KEEP

He did say cell service was bad, meaning he needs a real satellite.  I read somewhere the Lucid satellite radio is actually routed through the car cell modem, and as such, is terrible in isolated areas.

Why do you hate Freedom? Go back to Russia! And take this note to Vlad for me if you can...

The Soul is the car that most people who want to “sit up high” should get. It’s easy to get into, easy to see out of, fits a ton of stuff, is easy to park, rides nice, gets decent mileage, and best of all comes in actual colors! Whenever I fly for work I try to get one as a rental.

And that is precisely why the “average” transaction price is meaningless. If half the cars go for $30K and half for $60K, an average of $45K bears zero relevance to what anyone is paying. 15 years of low interest rates and the creation of 84 month loans have created a market for $80K pickups. I can afford such a

I’m a State Senator?

All I see if a large numbers of cars & SUVs, - ranging from the Suitable (Kia & VW) to Amazing (Honda & Mazda) - which will meets the needs of 95% of the population and for half of the click-bait headlines the (meaningless stat incoming...) $48,000 average new car cost. And this list also gets mostly great MPG. But I

My 2000 Celica GT-S was one of the first cars with a 6-speed manual that was not a Ferrari or Porsche. First gear was up and to the left, and R was way up and way to the left. In fact, it was so finicky that this car had a backup alarm that beeped in reverse (inside the car only). I drove that car for 20 years and


Hmm, that could be the case, it is a northern state with lots of these things, maybe there is some law that designates these trails and says you cannot obstruct them? The photos show he struck the horizontal stabilizer on the tail, so maybe just the tail was hanging over the trail? That would be hard to see; if that

Albert Farms Airfield (MA88) in Worthington MA, 2,800', privately owned, prior permission required to land.

A client of mine bought a used Volt several years ago for his 45-mi commute. He loved it for a year, and then something went on the battery...$9,000 to fix whatever it was. He basically sold if for salvage value and bought a used Kia.  I’ve never owned a vehicle where any single part failure remotely approached that

When you look at the glaring headlines of US traffic deaths reaching all-time highs, or near them anyway, consider this from the NHTSA:

His father was a deutsch bag, like his father before him.

My wife’s Mercedes has the gear shift as the right stalk. Flip it up/down to go forward or in reverse, button on the end cap for Park. I still dislike it after 6 years. It is where the wiper stalk is on my GTI, and on more than one occasion I have flipped that stalk in her car looking to activate the wipers, and