
Especially to their insurance agent.

That plane has a variable pitch prop, so you can change the angle of attack. To the point where they can generate reverse thrust? I’m not sure on this. But for anyone who’s ever seen a C-130 Hercules demonstrate a short field landing at an air show, that’s the idea, it can be wildly effective.

Bro, WTF!?!  Great.

It’s bad enough every major championship event starts at like 9:15 PM Eastern, ruining it for about 50% of the kids in the US. This starts at 1AM Eastern? Pass.

Never have, never will.  As Don Draper put it, my (television) life moves in one direction, forward.  What’s behind me is behind me.

Ha, I had no idea the race started at 10 PM local.  I’m on the east coast, so...’eff this race I guess?  This race is as hard to watch as Suzuka.  Pathetic.

Skyline Drive is in...Virginia (not NC). And as a driving road, please focus on the scenery and not your speed. It’s filled with cyclists, RVs, bear, deer, foxes, and also Park Police with radar guns. It’s a 35 mph speed limit the whole 105 miles, so be prepared to take your time.

I mean, worse things have been done with ill-gotten gains.  I’ll allow it.

28 days is the ACI standard.

Ugh, had not considered losing control of the window dimming on the 787. Maybe helpful when that one person is letting in the sun beam to bore a hole in your eyeballs. 787 also has larger windows than older planes thanks to the composite construction, which adds to the experience.

One of those reasons is the 787 (and some other new’ish planes like the A350) have lower cabin altitudes (higher pressure) than older planes. The 787 simulates a 6,000-foot altitude in the cabin, and with higher humidity, so people feel less dehydrated and less fatigued, than older aircraft which could run up to 8,000

And if we just ignore friction...

Asshole for her seems a bit harsh, she’s been mostly harmless, more eye-rolling than anything else. And as someone who had mental health issues in college myself, I wonder where I would be today without the people who really, truly cared about me. Well, I know actually. But in the end I had to want it and work for it

I’m also a pilot, and what pilots do NOT know about the stuff they see on an airfield might astound/amaze/terrify you. There is little crossover education in pilot training to how the facilities they use function. I realize I’m being pedantic in the extreme here, but I’m just saying is all... ;-)

But that’s the best kind of correct!

If someone of her means was driving a CLA that would really scream to the world she needs help!

Like in any war, the first casualty is truth. I don’t know who to believe (nor much care...) but it seems likely that she, left to her own devices, and with nobody who really cares about her, is gonna be dead, broke, or collecting her own urine in mason jars within 10 years.

Argh, my eyes and my ears! Please call it the correct term, apron, or if you must, ramp is also passable. Tarmac is not the correct term, not even close. Tarmac is a paving material, and not one even used at airports in like 50 years.